Mejoramiento de la eficiencia del proceso de admisión a la Escuela de Oficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Policía Nacional del Perú, en los procesos de admisión, específicamente a la Escuela
de Oficiales, requiere hombres y mujeres con competencias, que ofrezcan su mayor esfuerzo,
el mejor rendimiento para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización; por tanto, se necesita una
adecuada planificación y articulación con el presupuesto público, así como identificar y
reconstruir la cadena de valor que permitan desarrollar procedimientos eficientes para obtener
un resultado eficaz y efectivo, traducido luego en impacto público. En tal sentido, el presente
proyecto e innovación trata el tema: “Mejorar la eficiencia en la aplicación de procedimientos
durante la ejecución del proceso de admisión a la Escuela de Oficiales de la Policía Nacional
del Perú”.
Como parte de la investigación, se ha establecido que el proceso de admisión a la
Escuela de Oficiales, comprende las etapas de difusión, preinscripción, inscripción, selección
y admisión; siendo el caso que, durante su ejecución, se presentan deficiencias en la aplicación
de los procedimientos que comprenden cada una de sus etapas. Las causas de este problema se
han priorizado de acuerdo al detalle que se indica a continuación: ausencia de normas
específicas actualizadas para la ejecución del proceso de admisión; ausencia de recursos
administrativos y tecnológicos en la Oficina de Admisión e Informes; y, ausencia de asignación
de recursos humanos. Concluye por tanto que, se requieren atacar las causas del problema,
considerando igual cantidad de medios debidamente priorizados, como estructura de la
solución propuesta, a saber: actualización de la base legal específica; óptima asignación de
recursos administrativos y tecnológicos; y, óptima asignación de recursos humanos,
proponiendo la elaboración de un Manual de Admisión; priorizar el requerimiento necesario
en el Cuadro de Necesidades, alineado al Plan Operativo Institucional y presupuesto público
institucional, para implementar la Unidad de Admisión e Informes de la Escuela Nacional de Formación Profesional Policial; y, generar la asignación de recursos humanos con la
modificación del Cuadro de Organización y Cuadro de Personal de Oficiales de la Policía
Nacional del Perú.
The National Police of Peru, in the admission processes, specifically to the School of Officers, requires men and women with competencies, who offer their greatest effort, the best performance to achieve the objectives of the organization; therefore, adequate planning and articulation with the public budget is needed, as well as identifying and rebuilding the value chain that will allow for the development of efficient procedures to obtain an effective and effective result, then translated into public impact. In this regard, the present project and innovation addresses the topic: "Improve efficiency in the application of procedures during the execution of the admission process to the School of Officials of the National Police of Peru." As part of the investigation, it has been established that the admission process to the Officers' School includes the stages of dissemination, pre-registration, registration, selection and admission; being the case that, during its execution, there are deficiencies in the application of the procedures that comprise each of its stages. The causes of this problem have been prioritized according to the detail indicated below: absence of specific updated standards for the execution of the admission process; absence of administrative and technological resources in the Office of Admission and Reports; and, lack of allocation of human resources. It concludes therefore that it is necessary to attack the causes of the problem, considering the same amount of duly prioritized means, as a structure of the proposed solution, namely: updating the specific legal basis; optimal allocation of administrative and technological resources; and, optimal allocation of human resources, proposing the development of an Admission Manual; prioritize the necessary requirement in the Needs Chart, aligned to the Institutional Operational Plan and institutional public budget, to implement the Admission and Reporting Unit of the National School of Police Professional Training; and, generate the allocation of human resources with the modification of the Organization Chart and Personnel Chart of Officers of the National Police of Peru.
The National Police of Peru, in the admission processes, specifically to the School of Officers, requires men and women with competencies, who offer their greatest effort, the best performance to achieve the objectives of the organization; therefore, adequate planning and articulation with the public budget is needed, as well as identifying and rebuilding the value chain that will allow for the development of efficient procedures to obtain an effective and effective result, then translated into public impact. In this regard, the present project and innovation addresses the topic: "Improve efficiency in the application of procedures during the execution of the admission process to the School of Officials of the National Police of Peru." As part of the investigation, it has been established that the admission process to the Officers' School includes the stages of dissemination, pre-registration, registration, selection and admission; being the case that, during its execution, there are deficiencies in the application of the procedures that comprise each of its stages. The causes of this problem have been prioritized according to the detail indicated below: absence of specific updated standards for the execution of the admission process; absence of administrative and technological resources in the Office of Admission and Reports; and, lack of allocation of human resources. It concludes therefore that it is necessary to attack the causes of the problem, considering the same amount of duly prioritized means, as a structure of the proposed solution, namely: updating the specific legal basis; optimal allocation of administrative and technological resources; and, optimal allocation of human resources, proposing the development of an Admission Manual; prioritize the necessary requirement in the Needs Chart, aligned to the Institutional Operational Plan and institutional public budget, to implement the Admission and Reporting Unit of the National School of Police Professional Training; and, generate the allocation of human resources with the modification of the Organization Chart and Personnel Chart of Officers of the National Police of Peru.
Palabras clave
Policía Nacional (Perú). Escuela de Oficiales--Admisión, Policía Nacional (Perú). Escuela de Oficiales--Requisitos de ingreso, Presupuesto--Perú, Recursos humanos--Perú
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