Planeamiento estratégico de la empresa Elis Colombia S.A.S.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En la presente tesis se realizó una evaluación tanto externa como interna de la empresa Elis
Colombia S.A.S., considerando todos los factores que pueden afectar a la empresa tanto positiva
como negativamente, desde su misión y principios organizacionales hasta los factores PESTE
que podrían afectar las actividades de la misma, en un futuro con la información recabada se
pudo hacer una evaluación interna de todas las actividades y departamentos de la organización
considerando los objetivos propuestos para el sostenimiento empresarial en el largo plazo y su
encaminamiento hacia el cumplimiento de los mismos.
Además, se elaboran las matrices que se encuentran dentro del proceso de planificación
estratégica según Fernando D`Alessio, para una evaluación certera de la organización; en donde
se consideraron distintos factores como las perspectivas de control de la empresa, el tipo de
aprendizaje de control interno, la mejora de los procesos, trato a los clientes, cultura financiera,
entre otros. Los principales objetivos trazados para Elis Colombia se centran en el aumento
gradual de ventas en los próximos 3 años, optimización de la recuperación de cartera a máximo
30 días, lo cual permite contar con mayor liquidez y flujo de efectivo, por otro lado, el
posicionamiento del mercado es in pilar de desarrollo, por lo tanto, la empresa espera
posicionarse en un 70% del mercado en los próximos 5 años, contando con procesos
estandarizados al vincular el estándar ISO 9001.
Las estrategias planteadas para el logro de los objetivos a largo plazo se centran en la mejora
interna en la prestación de los servicios realizando un acompañamiento de los clientes, asimismo,
bajo políticas de estudios de ingeniería lograr la eficiencia operacional en el uso de recursos
buscando con ello la minimización de costos y aumento de la utilidad, de otro lado, desde la alta dirección y jefes de área buscar el desarrollo de procesos de calidad, optimización del tiempo de
prestación del servicio, innovaciones y precios competitivos, bajo modelos de procesos de
capacitación del personal y aumento significativo en los procesos internos, que se reflejen en la
prestación del servicio y con ello ser una empresa sólida y comprometida con los clientes.
Concluyendo así en recomendaciones de alto valor utilizando las respectivas conclusiones del
trabajo de realizado. Finalmente, se realizó un estudio de la competitividad de la región para
determinar la posición y dirección estratégica, con la finalidad de valorar el cumplimiento de los
objetivos y proponer las mejoras necesarias para promover mejoras en el proceso empresarial,
con lo cual se espera encaminar a Elis Colombia, al posicionamiento industrial en el mercado, en
consecuencia, promover la mejora continua y la excelencia operacional.
In this thesis, an external and internal evaluation of the company Elis Colombia SAS was carried out, considering all the factors that can affect the company both positively and negatively, from its mission and organizational principles to the PESTE factors that could affect the activities of In the future, with the information collected, it was possible to make an internal evaluation of all the activities and departments of the organization, considering the objectives proposed for longterm business sustainability and its path towards compliance with them. Prepare the matrices that are within the strategic planning process according to Fernando D`Alessio, for a correct evaluation of the organization; where different factors were considered, such as the company's control perspectives, the type of internal control learning, the improvement of processes, treatment of customers, financial culture, among others. The main objectives outlined for Elis Colombia focus on the gradual increase in sales in the next 3 years, optimization of portfolio recovery to a maximum of 30 days, which allows for greater liquidity and cash flow, on the other hand, positioning The market is a development pillar, therefore, the company expects to position itself in 70% of the market in the next 5 years, counting on standardized processes by linking the ISO 9001 standard. The strategies proposed for achieving the long-term objectives focus on internal improvement in the provision of services, accompanying clients, also under engineering studies policies, to achieve operational efficiency in the use of resources, seeking with This minimizing costs and increasing utility, on the other hand, from senior management and area managers seek the development of quality processes, optimization of service delivery time, innovations and competitive prices, under training process models. of personnel and a significant increase in internal processes, which are reflected in the provision of the service and thus be a solid company committed to customers. Thus concluding in high value recommendations using the respective conclusions of the work carried out. Finally, a study of the competitiveness of the region was carried out to determine the position and strategic direction, in order to assess the fulfillment of the objectives and propose the necessary improvements to promote improvements in the business process, with which it is expected to lead to Elis Colombia, to the industrial positioning in the market, consequently, to promote continuous improvement and operational excellence.
In this thesis, an external and internal evaluation of the company Elis Colombia SAS was carried out, considering all the factors that can affect the company both positively and negatively, from its mission and organizational principles to the PESTE factors that could affect the activities of In the future, with the information collected, it was possible to make an internal evaluation of all the activities and departments of the organization, considering the objectives proposed for longterm business sustainability and its path towards compliance with them. Prepare the matrices that are within the strategic planning process according to Fernando D`Alessio, for a correct evaluation of the organization; where different factors were considered, such as the company's control perspectives, the type of internal control learning, the improvement of processes, treatment of customers, financial culture, among others. The main objectives outlined for Elis Colombia focus on the gradual increase in sales in the next 3 years, optimization of portfolio recovery to a maximum of 30 days, which allows for greater liquidity and cash flow, on the other hand, positioning The market is a development pillar, therefore, the company expects to position itself in 70% of the market in the next 5 years, counting on standardized processes by linking the ISO 9001 standard. The strategies proposed for achieving the long-term objectives focus on internal improvement in the provision of services, accompanying clients, also under engineering studies policies, to achieve operational efficiency in the use of resources, seeking with This minimizing costs and increasing utility, on the other hand, from senior management and area managers seek the development of quality processes, optimization of service delivery time, innovations and competitive prices, under training process models. of personnel and a significant increase in internal processes, which are reflected in the provision of the service and thus be a solid company committed to customers. Thus concluding in high value recommendations using the respective conclusions of the work carried out. Finally, a study of the competitiveness of the region was carried out to determine the position and strategic direction, in order to assess the fulfillment of the objectives and propose the necessary improvements to promote improvements in the business process, with which it is expected to lead to Elis Colombia, to the industrial positioning in the market, consequently, to promote continuous improvement and operational excellence.
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