Business consulting – Banco de Crédito del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El mercado actual demanda realizar propuestas de valor personalizadas a los clientes,
como es el caso de empresa con millones de clientes, como lo es el Banco de Crédito del
Perú. En ese contexto, entra en escena la gerencia de Customer Relationship Management
(Gestión de la Relación con el Cliente), un equipo de personas que busca desarrollar una
estrategia analítica y de contacto con el cliente para aportar a las ventas del banco. En la
actualidad, el 50% de ventas del banco son impulsadas por las campañas de CRM, por lo
cual, la demanda de los servicios de CRM para las diferentes gerencias de producto del banco
ha incrementado. Para el año 2019, le fue impuesta a la gerencia de CRM una meta agresiva
de utilidad; y un primer vistazo señalaba que no se llegaría a la meta si no se tomaban
acciones concretas. El equipo de consultoría de CENTRUM pudo ponerse en contacto con la
gerencia de CRM —el cliente—, junto con la cual se logró elaborar un plan para solucionar
el problema del no cumplimiento de la meta de utilidad. En el presente reporte de consultoría
se describe el recorrido realizado —sumergiéndose en el negocio de la analítica, la
producción de leads, investigación de literatura, entrevistas con expertos y benchmarks— por
los consultores y el cliente para buscar una solución en el interesante mundo del CRM, la
gestión de campañas de marketing y el valor que generan para el banco más grande del Perú.
The current market demands the delivery of personalized value propositions to customers. It is the case of a company with millions of customers, such as Banco de Credito del Peru. In this context, the department of Customer Relationship Management comes into play, a team that seeks to develop an analytical and contact strategy with the customer in order to contribute to the bank's sales. Currently, 50% of sales are driven by CRM campaigns, so the demand for CRM services by bank’s product departments has increased. For the year 2019, an aggressive goal of profit was imposed on CRM management; and a first glance indicated that the goal would not be reached if concrete actions were not taken. The CENTRUM consulting team got in touch with CRM management —the client—, with whom it was possible to elaborate a plan to solve the problem of non-fulfillment of the profit goal. In the present consulting report, the consultants and the client journey is described —An immersing in the business of analytics, lead production, literature research, interviews with experts and benchmarks— in order to find a solution in the interesting world of CRM, marketing campaign management and the value they generate for the largest bank in Peru.
The current market demands the delivery of personalized value propositions to customers. It is the case of a company with millions of customers, such as Banco de Credito del Peru. In this context, the department of Customer Relationship Management comes into play, a team that seeks to develop an analytical and contact strategy with the customer in order to contribute to the bank's sales. Currently, 50% of sales are driven by CRM campaigns, so the demand for CRM services by bank’s product departments has increased. For the year 2019, an aggressive goal of profit was imposed on CRM management; and a first glance indicated that the goal would not be reached if concrete actions were not taken. The CENTRUM consulting team got in touch with CRM management —the client—, with whom it was possible to elaborate a plan to solve the problem of non-fulfillment of the profit goal. In the present consulting report, the consultants and the client journey is described —An immersing in the business of analytics, lead production, literature research, interviews with experts and benchmarks— in order to find a solution in the interesting world of CRM, marketing campaign management and the value they generate for the largest bank in Peru.
Palabras clave
Bancos--Perú, Instituciones financieras--Perú