Mecanismos de articulación entre las instituciones que participaron en la implementación de las plataformas itinerantes de acción social– PIAS, para acercar los servicios del estado a las poblaciones extremadamente pobres, dispersas y rurales en la cuenca del río Napo, Amazonas del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Perú a pesar de la crisis económica a nivel mundial, tuvo un crecimiento
sostenido de 5,3% durante casi 20 años; sin embargo, no fue acompañado por un
crecimiento de la capacidad Estatal para generar un desarrollo económico y social
inclusivo, principalmente en zonas de extrema pobreza como lo constituye la
Amazonía. Es importante señalar que, a lo largo de la historia las comunidades
indígenas y poblaciones originarias no han sido incluidas en las políticas públicas
sino que se han mantenido al margen de este crecimiento, expresado en el poco o
nulo acceso que tienen a los servicios ofrecidos por el Estado, señalando que, la
modalidad de entrega no es culturalmente pertinente y que además son zonas de
extrema pobreza donde los indicadores de anemia son de 50.9%, desnutrición
crónica infantil de 25.7% y violencia de 63.2%; los más altos a nivel nacional. Por
ello, el objetivo de la presente investigación es Identificar los mecanismos que
permitieron una articulación entre las instituciones para acercar los servicios del
Estado a las poblaciones de extrema pobreza, dispersa y rurales dispersas de la
Cuenca del río Napo, bajo el enfoque de la cogestión. Por la importancia del tema el
material y método seleccionado es el estudio hermenéutico con diseño mixto, que
vincula el análisis cualitativo con el cuantitativo a través de herramientas que
permiten valorar la interrelación de sus variables, las dinámicas que se producen y
las buenas prácticas de cogestión como modelo de gobernanza. Para el trabajo de
campo se revisó la literatura y se aplicaron diferentes métodos, técnicas e
instrumentos que permitieron comprobar el objetivo del problema identificado.
Finalmente se plantean las conclusiones, las mismas que señalan cómo los talleres,
el diálogo y las mesas de coordinación se constituyeron en mecanismos de
articulación para el diseño y la implementación de las PIAS, con una fuerte
cogestión y soportes de políticas públicas en favor de la cuenca del Napo, en
Loreto, poniendo de relieve la importancia para la gerencia social por los aportes en
la construcción de una cultura de ciudadanía desde la diversidad cultural para la
generación del valor público y social.
Despite the global economic crisis, Peru had a sustained growth of 5.3% for almost 20 years; however, it was not accompanied by a growth in State capacity to generate inclusive economic and social development, mainly in areas of extreme poverty such as the Amazon. It is important to point out that throughout history, indigenous communities and native populations have not been included in public policies but have remained on the margins of this growth, expressed in the almost or no access they have to the services offered by the State, noting that the delivery modality is not culturally relevant and that they are also areas of extreme poverty where anemia indicators are 50.9%, chronic child malnutrition 25.7% and violence 63.2%, the highest at the national level. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify the mechanisms that allowed an articulation between institutions to bring State services closer to the populations of extreme poverty, dispersed and rural areas of the Napo River Basin, under the co-management approach. Due to the importance of the topic, the material and method selected is the hermeneutic study with a mixed design, which links qualitative and quantitative analysis through tools that allow assessing the interrelation of its variables, the dynamics produced and the good practices of co-management as a governance model. For the field work, the literature was reviewed and different methods, techniques and instruments were applied to verify the objective of the problem identified. Finally, conclusions are presented, which point out how workshops, dialogue and coordination tables became articulation mechanisms for the design and implementation of the PIAS, with strong co-management and public policy supports in favor of the Napo basin, in Loreto, highlighting the importance for social management for the contributions in the construction of a culture of citizenship from cultural diversity for the generation of public and social value.
Despite the global economic crisis, Peru had a sustained growth of 5.3% for almost 20 years; however, it was not accompanied by a growth in State capacity to generate inclusive economic and social development, mainly in areas of extreme poverty such as the Amazon. It is important to point out that throughout history, indigenous communities and native populations have not been included in public policies but have remained on the margins of this growth, expressed in the almost or no access they have to the services offered by the State, noting that the delivery modality is not culturally relevant and that they are also areas of extreme poverty where anemia indicators are 50.9%, chronic child malnutrition 25.7% and violence 63.2%, the highest at the national level. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify the mechanisms that allowed an articulation between institutions to bring State services closer to the populations of extreme poverty, dispersed and rural areas of the Napo River Basin, under the co-management approach. Due to the importance of the topic, the material and method selected is the hermeneutic study with a mixed design, which links qualitative and quantitative analysis through tools that allow assessing the interrelation of its variables, the dynamics produced and the good practices of co-management as a governance model. For the field work, the literature was reviewed and different methods, techniques and instruments were applied to verify the objective of the problem identified. Finally, conclusions are presented, which point out how workshops, dialogue and coordination tables became articulation mechanisms for the design and implementation of the PIAS, with strong co-management and public policy supports in favor of the Napo basin, in Loreto, highlighting the importance for social management for the contributions in the construction of a culture of citizenship from cultural diversity for the generation of public and social value.
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