Inflation Targeting in Peru: The Reasons for the Success
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
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El banco central peruano tomo dos decisiones principales durante los años 2000: instaurar el esquema de metas de inflación y acumular grandes reservas de divisas. Este sistema de política monetaria le permitió al banco central mantener la estabilidad macroeconómica en contextos externos adversos o favorables.
El texto discute el uso y el impacto de los instrumentos más importantes de la política monetaria peruana: la tasa de interés de referencia, las tasas de encaje en soles y en dólares, y la intervención esterilizada en el mercado cambiario. También se pasa revista al proceso de (des)dolarizacion del crédito bancario.
The Peruvian central bank took two major decisions in the early 2000s: implementing an inflation target system and accumulating sufficient foreign-exchange reserves. These two decisions have allowed the central bank to preserve macroeconomic stability in favorable or unfavorable international environments. The use and impact of the main monetary policy instruments over the period 2002-2013 is discussed; namely, the short term interest rate set by the central bank or reference interest rate, the reserve requirement ratio in local and foreign currencies and, finally, sterilized intervention in the foreign exchange market. The process of bank credit (de)dollarization is also reviewed.
The Peruvian central bank took two major decisions in the early 2000s: implementing an inflation target system and accumulating sufficient foreign-exchange reserves. These two decisions have allowed the central bank to preserve macroeconomic stability in favorable or unfavorable international environments. The use and impact of the main monetary policy instruments over the period 2002-2013 is discussed; namely, the short term interest rate set by the central bank or reference interest rate, the reserve requirement ratio in local and foreign currencies and, finally, sterilized intervention in the foreign exchange market. The process of bank credit (de)dollarization is also reviewed.
Palabras clave
Política monetaria, Tasa de interés, Regla de Taylor, Intervención esterilizada
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