Dimensiones de apego adulto e inversión en las relaciones de pareja de estudiantes universitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como propósito estudiar la relación entre las
dimensiones de apego adulto y la inversión en las relaciones de pareja de adultos jóvenes. En
cuanto a objetivos específicos, las dimensiones de apego, ansiedad y evitación, se
compararon de acuerdo a sexo, tiempo de relación de pareja actual y duración promedio de
las relaciones de pareja; y para el caso de la inversión, los componentes del modelo de
inversión se compararon de acuerdo a sexo y se correlacionaron con tiempo de relación de
pareja actual y duración promedio de las relaciones de pareja. Para esta investigación se
contó con 74 estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana entre 18 y 30
años (M = 22.2, DE = 2.47) que se encontraban en una relación de pareja de una semana
como mínimo. El constructo de la inversión fue evaluado usando una adaptación al español
de la Escala del Modelo de Inversión (IMS) y para las dimensiones del apego adulto se
utilizó la adaptación al español de la Escala Revisada de Experiencias en Relaciones
Cercanas (ECR-R). Se encontró que la dimensión de evitación del ECR-R correlacionó de
manera negativa con los componentes satisfacción y compromiso del modelo de inversión; y
que la dimensión de ansiedad correlacionó de manera negativa con el componente
satisfacción. En cuanto a los objetivos específicos, sólo se hallaron diferencias significativas
el apego adulto y la variable sexo, donde los hombres tuvieron mayores puntajes en la
dimensión de evitación que las mujeres.
The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between the dimensions of adult attachment and investment in couple relationships in young adults. In terms of specific objectives, the dimensions of attachment, anxiety and avoidance, were compared according to sex, current relationship time and average duration of the couple relationships; and for the case of investment, the components of the investment model were compared according to sex and correlated with current relationship time and average duration of relationships. For this investigation, there were 74 undergraduate students from a private university of Lima between 18 and 30 years (M = 22.2, DE = 2.47) who were in a couple relationship of at least one week of duration. The investment construct was evaluated using a Spanish adaptation of the Investment Model Scale (IMS) and for the adult attachment dimensions it was used a Spanish adaptation of the Revised Scale of Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR-R). It was found that the avoidance dimension of the ECR-R correlated negatively with the satisfaction and commitment components of the investment model; and that the anxiety dimension correlated negatively with the satisfaction component. Regarding the specific objectives, only significant differences were found for adult attachment and the sex variable, where men had higher scores in the avoidance dimension than women.
The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between the dimensions of adult attachment and investment in couple relationships in young adults. In terms of specific objectives, the dimensions of attachment, anxiety and avoidance, were compared according to sex, current relationship time and average duration of the couple relationships; and for the case of investment, the components of the investment model were compared according to sex and correlated with current relationship time and average duration of relationships. For this investigation, there were 74 undergraduate students from a private university of Lima between 18 and 30 years (M = 22.2, DE = 2.47) who were in a couple relationship of at least one week of duration. The investment construct was evaluated using a Spanish adaptation of the Investment Model Scale (IMS) and for the adult attachment dimensions it was used a Spanish adaptation of the Revised Scale of Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR-R). It was found that the avoidance dimension of the ECR-R correlated negatively with the satisfaction and commitment components of the investment model; and that the anxiety dimension correlated negatively with the satisfaction component. Regarding the specific objectives, only significant differences were found for adult attachment and the sex variable, where men had higher scores in the avoidance dimension than women.
Palabras clave
Apego, Relaciones de pareja, Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones
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