Diseño de webcómics como material didáctico para la enseñanza de herramientas personales a estudiantes de cuarto y quinto año de secundaria en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación reconoce a la Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) como un
área curricular que promueve el conocimiento sobre la sexualidad de las personas
y su relación con el entorno mediante las herramientas personales, las cuales
permiten tomar decisiones saludables en situaciones afectivas, amorosas y
sexuales. En el Perú, existe dificultad para hallar un adecuado material didáctico
dirigido a adolescentes y la enseñanza se ve limitada, en muchos casos, por ideas
subjetivas que generan una falta de entendimiento por parte de los estudiantes que
conlleva a la persistencia de problemas sociales y una censura temática. Teniendo
en cuenta este contexto se presenta el proyecto DESTRABE, dirigido a jóvenes de
15 a 17 años, que abarca la creación de un webcómic dentro una plataforma virtual
que brinda información sobre ESI, exponiendo los temas relacionados bajo sustento
válido y científico. El objetivo de este proyecto es, a través de la ilustración, difundir
de forma gráfica y didáctica historias cotidianas que permitan analizar las causas y
consecuencias de las diferentes decisiones que se puedan tomar en situaciones
perniciosas como el embarazo adolescente y la violencia de género. Al mismo
tiempo, permitir una discusión reflexiva que rompa con los tabúes sobre temas
relacionados a la sexualidad.
The following research recognizes Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) as a curricular area that promotes knowledge about people's sexuality and their relationship with the environment by using personal skills, which permit making healthy decisions in affective, loving and sexual situations. In Peru, it’s difficult to find an accurate didactic material managed to adolescents and most of the time, teaching is limited by subjective ideas that generate a lack of understanding in the students, concluding in the persistence of social problems and a thematic censorship. Taking this context into account, the DESTRABE project is presented, managed to young people aged 15 to 17, which consists in the creation of a webcomic with a virtual platform that provides information about CSE, exposing related topics under valid and scientific support. The objective of this project is making a graphic and didactic tool that expose daily stories through illustration, by the comprehension of the causes and consequences of the different decisions that can be made in pernicious situations such as: teenage pregnancy and gender violence. At the same time, enable a reflective discussion that breaks taboos and resolve issues related to sexuality.
The following research recognizes Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) as a curricular area that promotes knowledge about people's sexuality and their relationship with the environment by using personal skills, which permit making healthy decisions in affective, loving and sexual situations. In Peru, it’s difficult to find an accurate didactic material managed to adolescents and most of the time, teaching is limited by subjective ideas that generate a lack of understanding in the students, concluding in the persistence of social problems and a thematic censorship. Taking this context into account, the DESTRABE project is presented, managed to young people aged 15 to 17, which consists in the creation of a webcomic with a virtual platform that provides information about CSE, exposing related topics under valid and scientific support. The objective of this project is making a graphic and didactic tool that expose daily stories through illustration, by the comprehension of the causes and consequences of the different decisions that can be made in pernicious situations such as: teenage pregnancy and gender violence. At the same time, enable a reflective discussion that breaks taboos and resolve issues related to sexuality.
Palabras clave
Educación sexual--Perú, Tiras cómicas, historietas, etc., Diseño gráfico
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