Competencia docente promotora del pensamiento crítico desde las políticas docentes en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El pensamiento crítico es una competencia de suma relevancia para la formación de
los estudiantes de educación básica; sin embargo, el limitado conocimiento didáctico
del docente para promoverlo ha generado carencia de esta en los estudiantes
peruanos. Para lograr la adquisición y desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, se requiere
de docentes capacitados en el conocimiento y aplicación de estrategias que
promuevan pensamiento crítico. Por cual, es de prioridad la formulación de políticas
educativas y lineamientos que guíen y normen el desarrollo de esta competencia en
la práctica docente. Este estudio documental ofrece una revisión de lineamientos y
documentos normativos de dos de las intervenciones del Ministerio de Educación del
Perú, que apuntan a mejorar las competencias docentes en aula, y contemplan el
desarrollo del pensamiento crítico. Se analizan documentos normativos que guían las
propuestas formativas “Evaluación del Desempeño Docente” y “Acompañamiento
pedagógico” para identificar la presencia de enfoques que aborden cómo el docente
debe adquirir esta competencia para promoverla en sus estudiantes. El estudio realiza
una revisión bibliográfica de estrategias didácticas aplicadas en aula para promover
pensamiento crítico para, posteriormente, generar una discusión sobre la
consideración de esta información en los lineamientos y documentos normativos que
guían la implementación de las dos intervenciones en mención. Se concluye que
existe una política educativa específica que busca mejorar las competencias docentes
en aula, incluida la promoción del pensamiento crítico; sin embargo, se prioriza
información relacionada a la identificación de esta competencia en procesos
evaluativos, sobre aquella que aborde cómo adquirirla.
Critical thinking is a relevant skill for formation of basic education students; however, the limited didactic knowledge of teachers to promote it in the classroom has generated a lack of it in Peruvian students. To achieve the acquisition and development of these skills, teachers need to be trained in the knowledge and application of strategies that promote and develop critical thinking. Thus, the formulation of educational policies and guidelines that guide and regulate the development of these competencies in teaching practice is required. This documentary study offers a review of guidelines and normative documents of two of the interventions of the Peruvian Ministry of Education, which aim at improving teaching competencies in the classroom, and contemplate the development of critical thinking. Normative documents that guide the training proposals "Evaluation of Teaching Performance" and "Pedagogical Accompaniment" are analyzed to identify the presence of an approach that addresses how teachers should acquire this competence in order to promote it in their students. The study conducts a bibliographic review of didactic strategies applied in the classroom to promote critical thinking to, subsequently, generate a discussion on the consideration of this information in the guidelines and normative documents that guide the implementation of the two interventions in question. It is concluded that there is a specific educational policy that seeks to improve teaching competencies in the classroom, including the promotion of critical thinking; however, information related to the identification of this competency in evaluation processes is prioritized over information on how to acquire it.
Critical thinking is a relevant skill for formation of basic education students; however, the limited didactic knowledge of teachers to promote it in the classroom has generated a lack of it in Peruvian students. To achieve the acquisition and development of these skills, teachers need to be trained in the knowledge and application of strategies that promote and develop critical thinking. Thus, the formulation of educational policies and guidelines that guide and regulate the development of these competencies in teaching practice is required. This documentary study offers a review of guidelines and normative documents of two of the interventions of the Peruvian Ministry of Education, which aim at improving teaching competencies in the classroom, and contemplate the development of critical thinking. Normative documents that guide the training proposals "Evaluation of Teaching Performance" and "Pedagogical Accompaniment" are analyzed to identify the presence of an approach that addresses how teachers should acquire this competence in order to promote it in their students. The study conducts a bibliographic review of didactic strategies applied in the classroom to promote critical thinking to, subsequently, generate a discussion on the consideration of this information in the guidelines and normative documents that guide the implementation of the two interventions in question. It is concluded that there is a specific educational policy that seeks to improve teaching competencies in the classroom, including the promotion of critical thinking; however, information related to the identification of this competency in evaluation processes is prioritized over information on how to acquire it.
Palabras clave
Pensamiento crítico, Educación basada en competencias, Personal docente--Perú, Política educativa--Perú
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