Factores que impiden que los Comités de Alimentación Escolar de los centros poblados San Pedrillo y la Pala del distrito Tambogrande, región Piura participen activamente en el proceso de cogestión que promueve el PNAEQW durante los años 2020-2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en años que nuestro país
afrontó una situación de crisis sanitaria debido a la pandemia originada por la
COVID-19, donde varios sectores se vieron perjudicados como el sector
educación, en consecuencia, el modelo de cogestión que propicia el servicio de
alimentación escolar que entrega el Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar
Qali Warma.
En este sentido, la presente investigación busca analizar cuáles son los factores
que impiden que los Comités de Alimentación Escolar de los centros poblados
San Pedrillo y la Pala del distrito Tambogrande, región Piura participen
activamente en el proceso de cogestión que promueve el Programa Nacional de
Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma durante los años 2020-2021.
Para el logro de los objetivos de esta investigación, se realizó una investigación
de tipo y naturaleza cualitativa aplicando entrevistas semi estructuradas, grupos
focales de manera virtual a través de llamadas telefónicas y video llamadas
grupales por WhatsApp , dirigido a madres de familia, directores y docentes que
conforman los CAE de las instituciones educativas I.E. N.º 15152, I.E. N.º 784
del centro poblado San Pedrillo y las I.E. N.º 20100, I.E. N.º 1420 del centro
poblado La Pala, además a funcionarios del PNAEQW.
En esta misma línea, teniendo en cuenta los instrumentos aplicados, se identificó
el desconocimiento que tienen los integrantes del CAE respecto a sus
responsabilidades a realizar en las etapas del servicio alimentario, producto de
las escazas capacitaciones recibidas por parte del PNAEQW en el contexto de
emergencia sanitaria; así mismo la poca presencia de las directoras en la zona
por el contexto de emergencia y algunos prejuicios culturales y religiosos sobre
el consumo de productos envasados como el hígado, evitando la promoción de
alimentos ricos en hierro que contribuyen con la buena alimentación de los niños.
Por ende, desde esta investigación recomendamos plantear una política social
que involucre el trabajo coordinado y comprometido del Ministerio de Agricultura,
Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, Ministerio de Educación y Ministerio
de Salud, dando respuesta a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2, 3 y 4.
Desde esta articulación se lograría asegurar el servicio alimentario a través del
abastecimiento de productos locales, asegurando una alimentación nutritiva y
balanceada de acuerdo a sus costumbres alimentarias, contribuyendo a tener
estudiantes sanos con un buen rendimiento académico que busque asegurar un
mejor futuro para ellos y para sus familias.
The present research work was developed in years that our country faced a health crisis situation due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, where several sectors were detrimental, such as in the education sector, consequently, the comanagement model that promotes the school feeding service delivered by the Qali Warma National School Feeding Program. In this sense, the present investigation seeks to analyze what are the factors that prevent the School Feeding Committees of the San Pedrillo and La Pala populated centers of the Tambogrande district, Piura region from actively participating in the co-management process promoted by the National Feeding Program. Qali Warma Scholar for the years 2020-2021. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative type and nature research was carried out applying semi-structured interviews, focus groups virtually through telephone calls and group video calls by WhatsApp, aimed at mothers, directors and teachers. that make up the CAE of educational institutions I.E. No. 15152, I.E. No. 784 of the San Pedrillo populated center and the I.E. No. 20100, I.E. No. 1420 of the La Pala populated center, in addition to PNAEQW officials. In this same line, taking into account the instruments applied, the lack of knowledge that the members of the CAE have regarding their responsibilities to be carried out in the stages of the food service was identified, as a result of the scarce training received by the PNAEQW in the context of emergency. sanitary; Likewise, the low presence of the directors in the area due to the emergency context and some cultural and religious prejudices about the consumption of packaged products such as liver, avoiding the promotion of iron-rich foods that contribute to the good nutrition of children. Therefore, from this research we recommend proposing a social policy that involves the coordinated and committed work of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health, responding to Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3 and Four. VI From this articulation it would be possible to ensure the food service through the supply of local products, ensuring a nutritious and balanced diet according to their eating habits, contributing to healthy students with a good academic performance that seeks to ensure a better future for themselves and for their families.
The present research work was developed in years that our country faced a health crisis situation due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, where several sectors were detrimental, such as in the education sector, consequently, the comanagement model that promotes the school feeding service delivered by the Qali Warma National School Feeding Program. In this sense, the present investigation seeks to analyze what are the factors that prevent the School Feeding Committees of the San Pedrillo and La Pala populated centers of the Tambogrande district, Piura region from actively participating in the co-management process promoted by the National Feeding Program. Qali Warma Scholar for the years 2020-2021. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative type and nature research was carried out applying semi-structured interviews, focus groups virtually through telephone calls and group video calls by WhatsApp, aimed at mothers, directors and teachers. that make up the CAE of educational institutions I.E. No. 15152, I.E. No. 784 of the San Pedrillo populated center and the I.E. No. 20100, I.E. No. 1420 of the La Pala populated center, in addition to PNAEQW officials. In this same line, taking into account the instruments applied, the lack of knowledge that the members of the CAE have regarding their responsibilities to be carried out in the stages of the food service was identified, as a result of the scarce training received by the PNAEQW in the context of emergency. sanitary; Likewise, the low presence of the directors in the area due to the emergency context and some cultural and religious prejudices about the consumption of packaged products such as liver, avoiding the promotion of iron-rich foods that contribute to the good nutrition of children. Therefore, from this research we recommend proposing a social policy that involves the coordinated and committed work of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health, responding to Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3 and Four. VI From this articulation it would be possible to ensure the food service through the supply of local products, ensuring a nutritious and balanced diet according to their eating habits, contributing to healthy students with a good academic performance that seeks to ensure a better future for themselves and for their families.
Palabras clave
Escolares--Salud e higiene--Perú--Piura, Niños--Nutrición, Escolares--Alimentos--Perú--Piura--Administración, Desnutrición infantil--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú, Programas sociales--Perú--Piura, Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma (Perú), COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
Licencia Creative Commons
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