Ausencia de catálogo de infracciones por responsabilidad administrativa funcional y su impacto en la corrupción de funcionarios en el Perú, 2019 a 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo general establecer el impacto de la ausencia de catálogo de infracciones por
responsabilidad administrativa funcional en la corrupción de funcionarios, 2019 a 2021.
La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa. Se concluye que hubo un impacto social pues la
ciudadanía percibió la normalización de la corrupción e incluso el inadecuado actuar del
TC, así como mermo la iniciativa a denunciar estos hechos. Es decir, existió una
percepción negativa de la ciudadanía respecto a la imposibilidad de procesar y sancionar
a funcionarios que no actúan conforme a ley. Así también impactó en la ineficacia de los
informes de control pues no conllevarían a la identificación de sanciones. Así mismo,
conllevó a que únicamente a través del procedimiento disciplinario se determinaron
sanciones por conductas sancionadas en función a la potestad disciplinaria de las
entidades como empleadores, pero no permitió excluir a funcionarios corruptos de la
administración pública. Finalmente se afirma que ocasionó un impacto institucional en la
corrupción de funcionarios, pues no se pudo cumplir con los fines del control
The general objective was to establish the impact of the absence of a catalogue of offences for functional administrative responsibility on the corruption of civil servants, 2019 to 2021. The methodology used was qualitative. It is concluded that there was a social impact as citizens perceived the normalisation of corruption and even the inadequate action of the TC, as well as a decrease in the initiative to denounce these facts. In other words, there was a negative perception among citizens regarding the impossibility of prosecuting and sanctioning officials who do not act in accordance with the law. It also had an impact on the ineffectiveness of control reports, as they would not lead to the identification of sanctions. It also meant that only through the disciplinary procedure were sanctions determined for conduct sanctioned in accordance with the disciplinary powers of the entities as employers, but it did not allow corrupt officials to be excluded from the public administration. Finally, it is affirmed that it had an institutional impact on the corruption of civil servants, as it was not possible to fulfil the purposes of governmental control.
The general objective was to establish the impact of the absence of a catalogue of offences for functional administrative responsibility on the corruption of civil servants, 2019 to 2021. The methodology used was qualitative. It is concluded that there was a social impact as citizens perceived the normalisation of corruption and even the inadequate action of the TC, as well as a decrease in the initiative to denounce these facts. In other words, there was a negative perception among citizens regarding the impossibility of prosecuting and sanctioning officials who do not act in accordance with the law. It also had an impact on the ineffectiveness of control reports, as they would not lead to the identification of sanctions. It also meant that only through the disciplinary procedure were sanctions determined for conduct sanctioned in accordance with the disciplinary powers of the entities as employers, but it did not allow corrupt officials to be excluded from the public administration. Finally, it is affirmed that it had an institutional impact on the corruption of civil servants, as it was not possible to fulfil the purposes of governmental control.
Palabras clave
Delitos de los funcionarios--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Corrupción administrativa--Perú, Responsabilidad administrativa--Perú
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