Antrosoles arqueológicos del bajo río Uruguay: una aproximación geoarqueológica a los procesos de formación del sitio Isla del Vizcaíno 1 (departamento Río Negro - Uruguay)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis de suelos antropogénicos arqueológicos del sitio Isla del Vizcaíno 1 (Delta del Río Negro, Uruguay), ubicado sobre un albardón fluvial y fechado en circa 1500 años AP. A través de un diseño mensurativo comparativo (dentro y fuera del sitio) se buscó caracterizar las modificaciones generadas por las poblaciones humanas prehispánicas que allí habitaron sobre su entorno físico y biológico, en términos de su rol como factor pedogenético, y al mismo tiempo aportar datos que permitan discutir con una base sólida los procesos de formación de sitios en elevaciones de la región litoral.Los resultados alcanzados mediante análisis granulométricos, composicionales y geoquímicos muestran claras diferencias entre los suelos antropogénicos arqueológicos y los suelos naturales adyacentes, evidenciadas principalmente en la presencia de material cultural y mayores contenidos de materia orgánica y fósforo en los primeros. A partir de los datos generados se identificó la presencia de dos horizontes de un antrosol metagenético (HAM), es decir, de un suelo compuesto por material alterado (y no transportado) por el hombre, caracterizado como antroarenosol cuarzo feldespático. Esta alteración del suelo, vinculada a actividades domésticas y rituales en este sitio, evidencia el rol del hombre prehispánico como agente pedogenético y como actor activo en la modelación del paisaje.
This work presents the results of the analysis of archaeological anthropogenic soils analysis of Isla de Vizcaíno 1 site (Río Negro Department, Uruguay), located on a riverbank and dated around 1500 years BP. Through a comparative measurement design (inside and outside the site), we sought to characterize the modifications generated by pre-Hispanic human populations that inhabited these environments, in terms of their role as a pedogenetic agent, and at the same time provide data that, with a solid basis, allow discussing the formation processes of elevated sites from the littoral region.The results achieved through granulometric, compositional and geochemical analyzes showed clear differences between archaeological anthropogenic soils and adjacent natural soils, evidenced mainly by the presence of cultural material and higher organic matter and phosphorous content in the first. From generated data, the presence of two horizons of a metagenetic anthrosol (HAM) were identified, that is, a soil composed of altered material (and not transported) by human agency, characterized as quartz-feldspathic anthrosand. This alteration of the soil, linked to domestic and ritual activities in this site, highlighted the role of pre-Hispanic inhabitants as a pedogenetic agent and as an active actor in landscape modelling and environmental engineering.
This work presents the results of the analysis of archaeological anthropogenic soils analysis of Isla de Vizcaíno 1 site (Río Negro Department, Uruguay), located on a riverbank and dated around 1500 years BP. Through a comparative measurement design (inside and outside the site), we sought to characterize the modifications generated by pre-Hispanic human populations that inhabited these environments, in terms of their role as a pedogenetic agent, and at the same time provide data that, with a solid basis, allow discussing the formation processes of elevated sites from the littoral region.The results achieved through granulometric, compositional and geochemical analyzes showed clear differences between archaeological anthropogenic soils and adjacent natural soils, evidenced mainly by the presence of cultural material and higher organic matter and phosphorous content in the first. From generated data, the presence of two horizons of a metagenetic anthrosol (HAM) were identified, that is, a soil composed of altered material (and not transported) by human agency, characterized as quartz-feldspathic anthrosand. This alteration of the soil, linked to domestic and ritual activities in this site, highlighted the role of pre-Hispanic inhabitants as a pedogenetic agent and as an active actor in landscape modelling and environmental engineering.
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