Una sátira política contra la Confederación Perú-Boliviana: La Mulata (1838) de Buenaventura Seoane
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se da cuenta del contenido del desconocido periódico conservador La Mulata, que combatió a la Confederación Perú-Boliviana en octubre de 1838. Este fue editado en Lima por el abogado y político limeño Buenaventura Seoane. El análisis de contenido de sus cinco números permite concluir que se trató de un periódico de propaganda y sátira política que utilizó a la población afrodescendiente, especialmente libertos o esclavos que dejaron de serlo, para mostrar cómo entrelos sectores bajos de la población se puede enmendar la pérdida coyuntural de la libertad política con la adopción de una actitud patriótica. La Mulata proporciona nuevos elementos para comprender la retórica política del nacionalismo criollo de la primera mitad del siglo XIX.
This article analyses the contents of an unknown conservative newspaper entitled La Mulata that was against the Peru-Bolivian Confederation in October 1828. It was edited in Lima by the lawyer and politician Buenaventura Seoane. Thecontents of the five numbers of La Mulata show that it was a newspaper for propaganda and political satire. Particularly, it focused on afro-descendant people, especially former slaves or libertos, to demonstrate how the lower sectors of the population can amend the loss of political freedom by adopting a patriotic attitude. La Mulata provides new insights to understand the political rhetoric of the Peruvian creolle nationalism in the first half of the nineteenth century.
This article analyses the contents of an unknown conservative newspaper entitled La Mulata that was against the Peru-Bolivian Confederation in October 1828. It was edited in Lima by the lawyer and politician Buenaventura Seoane. Thecontents of the five numbers of La Mulata show that it was a newspaper for propaganda and political satire. Particularly, it focused on afro-descendant people, especially former slaves or libertos, to demonstrate how the lower sectors of the population can amend the loss of political freedom by adopting a patriotic attitude. La Mulata provides new insights to understand the political rhetoric of the Peruvian creolle nationalism in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Afrodescendant People, Press, Peru-Bolivian Confederation, Xix Century, Buenaventura Seoane, Población Afrodescendiente, Nacionalismo, Periódicos Peruanos, Prensa, Confederación Perú-Boliviana, Siglo XIX, Perú, Buenaventura Seoane
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