Modelo proLab: Unidos, una plataforma de cursos online para encaminar a los padres hacia una correcta participación en el desarrollo de sus hijos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Hoy en día, la familia se define como el contexto donde se llevan a cabo los vínculos más
profundos de la vida de una persona. Por este motivo, el cuidado integral de cada uno de sus
integrantes se ha convertido en una prioridad. Sin embargo, la necesidad de los padres por
mejorar el estilo de crianza que emplean con sus hijos, forma parte del problema que impide
alcanzar este objetivo. En este sentido, la propuesta de UNIDOS, representada por una
plataforma de educación virtual, permitirá cubrir esta necesidad a través de cursos o
capacitaciones desarrollados por profesionales de diferentes especialidades de la salud.
Así mismo, cabe mencionar que el proceso de diseño de la solución dependió del uso de
la metodología Design Thinking enfocada en el cliente, la misma que permitió definir la solución
al problema y continuar con el desarrollo del proceso creativo hasta finalizar con el producto
mínimo viable (PMV). Como parte de este proceso se llevaron a cabo diversas entrevistas y
encuestas, identificándose un alto interés de los padres por mejorar su estilo de crianza y el deseo
por generar ingresos extraordinarios de los capacitadores. Información reflejada en un WACC de
18.76%, un VAN de S/. 1,633,026 y una TIR de 130%, valor positivo que supera al WACC y
posibilita la viabilidad del modelo de negocio y una escalabilidad que podría iniciar con un
mercado nacional que podría superar los 9 millones de personas. Finalmente, respecto a la parte
social, la solución propuesta estaría alineada a los ODS 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 y 10; impactando en la
pobreza, salud, educación, igualdad y trabajo. Todo esto, sumado a una rentabilidad social que
asciende a S/. 1,653,120.
Concluyéndose, de esta forma, que la percepción de los padres respecto a la solución que
ofrece UNIDOS es favorable. Esto debido a que más del 94%, de padres encuestados, indicó que
se preocupa por mejorar el estilo de crianza que pone en práctica con sus hijos; el 100%
considera que es importante un buen estilo de crianza para sus hijos y el 77% de los padres
entrevistados considera que usaría la solución propuesta.
Today, the family is defined as the context where the deepest bonds of a person's life take place. For this reason, the comprehensive care of each of its members has become a priority. However, the need for parents to improve the parenting style they use with their children is part of the problem that prevents achieving this goal. In this sense, the UNIDOS proposal, represented by a virtual education platform, will allow to cover this need through courses or training developed by professionals from different health specialties. Likewise, it is worth mentioning that the design process of the solution depended on the use of the Design Thinking methodology focused on the client, which allowed defining the solution to the problem and continuing with the development of the creative process until finishing with the minimum viable product. (MVP). As part of this process, various interviews and surveys were carried out, identifying a high interest of the parents in improving their parenting style and the desire to generate extraordinary income from the trainers. Information reflected in a WACC of 18.76%, a NPV of S/. 1,633,026 and an IRR of 130%, a positive value that exceeds the WACC and enables the viability of the business model and scalability that could start with a national market that could exceed 9 million people. Finally, regarding the social part, the proposed solution would be aligned with SDG 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10; impacting on poverty, health, education, equality and work. All this, added to a social return amounting to S/. 1,653,120. Concluding, in this way, that the parents' perception regarding the solution offered by UNIDOS is favorable. This is due to the fact that more than 94% of the parents surveyed indicated that they are concerned about improving the parenting style that they put into practice with their children; 100% consider that a good parenting style for their children is important and 77% of the parents interviewed consider that they would use the proposed solution.
Today, the family is defined as the context where the deepest bonds of a person's life take place. For this reason, the comprehensive care of each of its members has become a priority. However, the need for parents to improve the parenting style they use with their children is part of the problem that prevents achieving this goal. In this sense, the UNIDOS proposal, represented by a virtual education platform, will allow to cover this need through courses or training developed by professionals from different health specialties. Likewise, it is worth mentioning that the design process of the solution depended on the use of the Design Thinking methodology focused on the client, which allowed defining the solution to the problem and continuing with the development of the creative process until finishing with the minimum viable product. (MVP). As part of this process, various interviews and surveys were carried out, identifying a high interest of the parents in improving their parenting style and the desire to generate extraordinary income from the trainers. Information reflected in a WACC of 18.76%, a NPV of S/. 1,633,026 and an IRR of 130%, a positive value that exceeds the WACC and enables the viability of the business model and scalability that could start with a national market that could exceed 9 million people. Finally, regarding the social part, the proposed solution would be aligned with SDG 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10; impacting on poverty, health, education, equality and work. All this, added to a social return amounting to S/. 1,653,120. Concluding, in this way, that the parents' perception regarding the solution offered by UNIDOS is favorable. This is due to the fact that more than 94% of the parents surveyed indicated that they are concerned about improving the parenting style that they put into practice with their children; 100% consider that a good parenting style for their children is important and 77% of the parents interviewed consider that they would use the proposed solution.
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