Culturas y lenguas antiguas de la sierra norcentral del Perú: una investigación arqueolingüística
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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En el presente trabajo se analizan los desarrollos culturales de gran escala en la sierra norcentral del Peru durante el primer milenio d.C., con énfasis en sus implicancias para el uso y dispersión de las lenguas antiguas. La región de Áncash es de un interés especial debido a su larga historia de investigaciones, su ubicación geográfica, la diversidad en las culturas arqueológicas y la presencia de una serie de lenguas, muchas de ellas hoy extintas. En esa etapa, específicamente entre el inicio y el final del Periodo Intermedio Temprano, la interacción cultural entre los grupos de la sierra norte y sus vecinos fue muy importante. El término del Horizonte Medio también fue testigo de una interacción intensiva y transformaciones culturales. Esta contribución concluye con un ensayo interdisciplinario con el objeto de examinar los rasgos arqueológicos de la lengua culle. Se comparan las distribuciones de artefactos materiales, arquitectura y topónimos de sitios arqueológicos y se ha logrado determinar que hay una correspondencia razonable, si bien imperfecta, entre los datos.
This essay examines large-scale cultural developments in Peru’s north central highlands during the 1st millennium AD, with an emphasis on their implications for ancient language use and spread. Áncash is of special interest because of its long history of research, central geographic position in northern Perú, diversity in archaeological cultures, and the presence of a series of languages, many now extinct. During the 1st millennium, cultural interaction between north highland groups and their neighbors was very prominent during the beginning and the end of the Early Intermediate Period. The end of the Middle Horizon also saw intensive interaction and cultural transformations. The paper ends with a trial, interdisciplinary study to examine the archaeological traces of the Culle language. It compares the distributions of material artifacts, architecture and toponyms of archaeological sites, and finds there is a reasonable, if imperfect, fit between the data.
This essay examines large-scale cultural developments in Peru’s north central highlands during the 1st millennium AD, with an emphasis on their implications for ancient language use and spread. Áncash is of special interest because of its long history of research, central geographic position in northern Perú, diversity in archaeological cultures, and the presence of a series of languages, many now extinct. During the 1st millennium, cultural interaction between north highland groups and their neighbors was very prominent during the beginning and the end of the Early Intermediate Period. The end of the Middle Horizon also saw intensive interaction and cultural transformations. The paper ends with a trial, interdisciplinary study to examine the archaeological traces of the Culle language. It compares the distributions of material artifacts, architecture and toponyms of archaeological sites, and finds there is a reasonable, if imperfect, fit between the data.
Palabras clave
Arqueología, Lingüística, Recuay, Huamachuco, Cajamarca, Culle, Toponimia, Archaeology, Linguistics, Recuay, Huamachuco, Cajamarca, Culle, Toponymy
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