Modelo ProLab: Food Safe Solution, una propuesta sostenible para la elaboración de alimentos a tu servicio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La seguridad alimentaria es un problema que siempre ha existido, pero que a través de los
años ha captado mayor relevancia, especialmente en un mundo post pandemia, debido a que una
mala preparación y/o manipulación de los alimentos lleva consigo riesgos de contaminación y
pone en peligro la salud de las personas y contribuye al crecimiento del desperdicio de los
Es por ello que presentamos Food Safe Solution, una empresa innovadora, cuya misión se
basa en tres pilares fundamentales seguridad alimentaria, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad y estamos
enfocados en brindar nuestros servicios a supermercados que venden comida al peso.
La solución que presentamos es reemplazar la preparación de alimentos de una cocina
tradicional por un Hub de producción con equipos de última tecnología y procesos más seguros y
eficientes que nos permiten ofrecer alimentos que cumplen con estándares de calidad más
exigentes que el mercado requiere.
Para la validación de la propuesta hemos realizado diversas entrevistas con representantes
de dos supermercados, tomadores de decisiones, con el fin de demostrar las mejoras
significativas en temas de seguridad alimentaria, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad, incluyendo
monitoreo en tiempo real en cada etapa del proceso.
Por tal motivo, para la puesta en marcha requerimos de una inversión de S/878,052.27
realizado únicamente con aporte de los accionistas, generando un VAN de S/3,549,590.0, TIR de
69.46% y VANS de S/3,168,410.0, TSRI de 59.7%, en el ámbito social, nuestra empresa esta
alineada con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 3 y 12.
Food safety is a problem that has always existed, but over the years has become more relevant, especially in a post-pandemic world, because poor food preparation and/or handling carries with it risks of contamination and endangers people's health and contributes to the growth of food waste. That is why we present Food Safe Solution, an innovative company whose mission is based on three fundamental pillars: food safety, profitability and sustainability, and we are focused on providing our services to supermarkets that sell food by weight. The solution we present is to replace the food preparation of a traditional kitchen with a production Hub with the latest technology equipment and safer and more efficient processes that allow us to offer food that meets the highest quality standards required by the market. For the validation of the proposal we have conducted several interviews with representatives of two supermarkets, decision makers, in order to demonstrate significant improvements in food safety, profitability and sustainability, including real-time monitoring at each stage of the process. For this reason, for the start-up we required an investment of S/878,052.27 made solely with the contribution of the shareholders, generating an NPV of S/3,549,590.0, IRR of 69.46% and NPV of S/3,168,410.0, TSRI of 59.7%, in the social area, our company is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 12.
Food safety is a problem that has always existed, but over the years has become more relevant, especially in a post-pandemic world, because poor food preparation and/or handling carries with it risks of contamination and endangers people's health and contributes to the growth of food waste. That is why we present Food Safe Solution, an innovative company whose mission is based on three fundamental pillars: food safety, profitability and sustainability, and we are focused on providing our services to supermarkets that sell food by weight. The solution we present is to replace the food preparation of a traditional kitchen with a production Hub with the latest technology equipment and safer and more efficient processes that allow us to offer food that meets the highest quality standards required by the market. For the validation of the proposal we have conducted several interviews with representatives of two supermarkets, decision makers, in order to demonstrate significant improvements in food safety, profitability and sustainability, including real-time monitoring at each stage of the process. For this reason, for the start-up we required an investment of S/878,052.27 made solely with the contribution of the shareholders, generating an NPV of S/3,549,590.0, IRR of 69.46% and NPV of S/3,168,410.0, TSRI of 59.7%, in the social area, our company is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 12.
Palabras clave
Mercado verde, Alimentos--Industria y comercio
Licencia Creative Commons
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