Consulting project: Bio Natural Solutions
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El siguiente informe de investigación ha sido elaborado por un grupo de estudiantes
de MBA de la Escuela de Negocios CENTRUM de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del
Perú. A lo largo de los siguientes diez capítulos, se abordarán y analizarán diversos temas
relacionados con la propuesta de expansión internacional de la empresa peruana de
biotecnología Bio Natural Solutions SAC (BNS). Se ha llevado a cabo una amplia
investigación sobre los factores internos y externos que afectan a la empresa, tanto a nivel
nacional como en el contexto internacional. Posteriormente, el documento utiliza una
combinación de metodología teórica y probada para responder a la siguiente pregunta de
"¿Qué ubicación en México es la más adecuada para que BNS establezca un centro
de distribución para atender el territorio centroamericano con Vital Cover a largo plazo?"
Como productor de recubrimientos de frutas, BNS está invariablemente ligado a la
industria agrícola que se prevé que experimente un crecimiento considerable tanto en Perú
como en México. Es imprescindible que la empresa ubique sus operaciones en una zona con
un alto rendimiento de cultivos de cítricos, que tenga concentración de los potenciales
clientes: envasadores y exportadores de fruta, y que esté bien conectada con los principales
centros logísticos para garantizar una gestión fluida de la cadena de suministro. Estas
consideraciones se han compilado en una matriz de decisión ponderada que puede utilizarse
para desarrollar una justificación completa sobre dónde basar una operación de distribución.
Sobre la base de la investigación y el análisis de datos subsiguientes, se ha llegado a la
conclusión de que la ciudad de Martínez de la Torre, en el estado de Veracruz, es la ubicación
más ventajosa para centrar el esfuerzo de expansión. En conjunto, la información y los datos
proporcionados a lo largo de este documento brindarán a BNS una hoja de ruta pragmática
para ayudar a su expansión global.
The following research report has been compiled by a group of MBA students from the CENTRUM Graduate Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Throughout the next ten chapters, a variety of topics will be addressed and analysed concerning the proposed international expansion of Peruvian biotechnology firm, Bio Natural Solutions SAC (BNS). Extensive background research was conducted on the internal and external factors affecting the firm, both domestically and within an international context. The paper subsequently uses a combination of proven, theoretical methodology to answer the following research question: “What location in Mexico is best suited for Bio Natural Solutions to set up a distribution centre in order to serve the Central American territory with Vital Cover in the long-term?” BNS is a growing start-up operating in the agrichemical segment. As a fruit coating producer, BNS is invariably tied to the agriculture industry which is forecasted to experience considerable growth in both Peru as well as Mexico. It is imperative for the company to locate their operation is an area that is high in citrus crops yields, holds a concentration of potential customers in the form of fruit packers and exporters, and is well connected to major logistical hubs, to ensure smooth supply chain management. These considerations have been compiled into a weighted decision matrix that can be used to develop a comprehensive justification for where to base a distribution operation. Based on the subsequent research and data analysis, it has been concluded that the city, Martinez de la Torre, in the state of Veracruz, it the most advantageous location to center the expansion effort. Taken all together, the information and data provided throughout this paper will provide BNS will a pragmatic roadmap to assist in their global expansion.
The following research report has been compiled by a group of MBA students from the CENTRUM Graduate Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Throughout the next ten chapters, a variety of topics will be addressed and analysed concerning the proposed international expansion of Peruvian biotechnology firm, Bio Natural Solutions SAC (BNS). Extensive background research was conducted on the internal and external factors affecting the firm, both domestically and within an international context. The paper subsequently uses a combination of proven, theoretical methodology to answer the following research question: “What location in Mexico is best suited for Bio Natural Solutions to set up a distribution centre in order to serve the Central American territory with Vital Cover in the long-term?” BNS is a growing start-up operating in the agrichemical segment. As a fruit coating producer, BNS is invariably tied to the agriculture industry which is forecasted to experience considerable growth in both Peru as well as Mexico. It is imperative for the company to locate their operation is an area that is high in citrus crops yields, holds a concentration of potential customers in the form of fruit packers and exporters, and is well connected to major logistical hubs, to ensure smooth supply chain management. These considerations have been compiled into a weighted decision matrix that can be used to develop a comprehensive justification for where to base a distribution operation. Based on the subsequent research and data analysis, it has been concluded that the city, Martinez de la Torre, in the state of Veracruz, it the most advantageous location to center the expansion effort. Taken all together, the information and data provided throughout this paper will provide BNS will a pragmatic roadmap to assist in their global expansion.