Innovación y desarrollo de nuevos productos - empresa UNIBELL S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
UNIBELL S.A.C. es una empresa peruana fundada en el año 2,005, dedicada a la
fabricación de tintes para el cabello y a la comercialización de productos cosméticos, como son
esmalte para uñas, secadoras para el cabello, rizadoras, planchas para el cabello entre otras.
Dentro de sus planes de expansión tiene planificado poder ingresar a un nuevo segmento
de clientes, el cual está representado por aquellas personas que utilizan cremas dermocosméticas
para el cuidado de su piel.
El objetivo de la consultoría fue identificar la oportunidad principal que no estaría
aprovechando UNIBELL S.A.C. para alcanzar sus objetivos, analizando sus causas y
proponiendo un plan de mejora. Se determinó que la oportunidad principal gira en torno a la falta
de procesos de innovación para el desarrollo de nuevos productos, lo cual hace que la empresa
no pueda estar a la par de sus competidores de la industria, quienes se caracterizan por incluir en
el mercado productos innovadores
El crecimiento de UNIBELL S.A.C. para los próximos cinco años, según el Gerente
General, el Sr. Duilio, debe ser de 7 % anual, crecimiento que se podrá conseguir con el
desarrollo de productos innovadores que puedan ser comercializados en los clientes con los que
la empresa cuenta actualmente, para luego poder dirigir su comercialización a nuevos clientes, a
los cuales se llegará a través de publicidad constante en las redes sociales de manera activa
interactuando con ellos vía on line para poder acercar a la marca a los usuarios.
Luego de haber realizado varias reuniones de trabajo con las gerencias de UNIBELL
S.A.C., se detectó que la causa raíz a su oportunidad central está relacionada con la falta de una
estrategia empresarial enfocada en la innovación, que otorgue los lineamientos internos necesarios para dirigir el comportamiento de la organización con orientación a la innovación de
nuevas formulaciones.
Con base en el análisis externo e interno, la literatura investigada y la metodología
Design Thinking, la cual está enfocada en la necesidad del cliente, se propone una serie de
acciones para que UNIBELL S.A.C. pueda alcanzar sus objetivos, además de ello informar
acerca de las acciones necesarias para el lanzamiento de productos innovadores, así como la
metodología necesaria para que sean introducidas al mercado peruano con éxito.
UNIBELL S.A.C. is a Peruvian company founded in the year 2,005, dedicated to the manufacture of hair dyes and sales of cosmetic products, like nail polish, hair dryers, curling irons, hair irons, and more. In the expansion plans, it plans to enter a new customer segment, which is represented by people who use dermocosmetic creams for skin care. The objective of the consultancy was identifying the principal problem that UNIBELL S.A.C. cannot reach the objectives, analyzing the causes and proposing an improvement plan. The determined was that the principal problem is revolves around the lack of innovation processes for the development of new products, which means that the company cannot keep up with its industry competitors, who are characterized by their inclusion in the market and innovative products. The growth of UNIBELL S.A.C. for the next five years, according to the General Manager, Mr. Duilio, it should be 7% for year, growth that can be achieved with the development of innovative products that can be marketed to the customers that the company currently has, to then be able to direct their marketing to new customers, who will be reached through constant advertising on social networks by actively interacting with them via online to be closer to users. After some meetings with the managers of UNIBELL SAC, it was detected that the root cause of the problem is related to the lack of a business strategy focused on innovation, which provides the internal guidelines necessary to direct the behavior of the organization with an orientation to the innovation of new formulations. Based on the external and internal analysis, the researched literature and the Design Thinking methodology, which is focused on the client's need, a series of actions are proposed so that UNIBELL S.A.C. can achieve its objectives, in addition to informing about the necessary actions for the launch of innovative products, as well as the necessary methodology for them to be successfully introduced to the Peruvian market..
UNIBELL S.A.C. is a Peruvian company founded in the year 2,005, dedicated to the manufacture of hair dyes and sales of cosmetic products, like nail polish, hair dryers, curling irons, hair irons, and more. In the expansion plans, it plans to enter a new customer segment, which is represented by people who use dermocosmetic creams for skin care. The objective of the consultancy was identifying the principal problem that UNIBELL S.A.C. cannot reach the objectives, analyzing the causes and proposing an improvement plan. The determined was that the principal problem is revolves around the lack of innovation processes for the development of new products, which means that the company cannot keep up with its industry competitors, who are characterized by their inclusion in the market and innovative products. The growth of UNIBELL S.A.C. for the next five years, according to the General Manager, Mr. Duilio, it should be 7% for year, growth that can be achieved with the development of innovative products that can be marketed to the customers that the company currently has, to then be able to direct their marketing to new customers, who will be reached through constant advertising on social networks by actively interacting with them via online to be closer to users. After some meetings with the managers of UNIBELL SAC, it was detected that the root cause of the problem is related to the lack of a business strategy focused on innovation, which provides the internal guidelines necessary to direct the behavior of the organization with an orientation to the innovation of new formulations. Based on the external and internal analysis, the researched literature and the Design Thinking methodology, which is focused on the client's need, a series of actions are proposed so that UNIBELL S.A.C. can achieve its objectives, in addition to informing about the necessary actions for the launch of innovative products, as well as the necessary methodology for them to be successfully introduced to the Peruvian market..