Factores que han favorecido o limitado la ejecución del programa Escuela De Liderazgo Ciudadano Juvenil: Jóvenes Constructores De Un Nuevo Tejido Social en el Municipio de Albania departamento de la Guajira Colombia 2020- 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Un elemento para contrarrestar contextos de desigualdad y vulneración de
derechos para un grupo poblacional en un territorio, es el desarrollo del capital
social, ya que este genera elementos como la confianza, los valores cívicos
colectivos y la asociatividad, fomentando con esto, la participación política, la
cual es uno de los ejes centrales de la democracia, la generación y exigencia de
derechos. La escuela de liderazgo ciudadano juvenil: jóvenes constructores de un
nuevo tejido social, es una iniciativa llevada a cabo en el año 2020 en el municipio
de Albania del departamento de La Guajira Colombia, es un proyecto que tuvo
como finalidad generar capacidades de liderazgo en los y las jóvenes participantes
para interactuar con su territorio y desarrollar habilidades para transformar su
El proyecto se llevó a cabo en un territorio con problemáticas sociales y ambientales
relacionadas, con la generación de escenarios de desigualdad. Asi mismo, la
participación política en lo referente a incluir a los jóvenes en la toma de decisiones,
era excluyente, y dada la dependencia productiva del municipio en torno a la minera
de carbón, se requería replantear el futuro económico del territorio convocando a
aquellos que harían parte de este, es decir, los actuales jóvenes.
La ejecución genero impactos en los jóvenes participantes de este, ya que,
desarrollo capacidades de liderazgo, relacionadas con la exigencia de derechos
democráticos, la capacidad de participar en las decisiones políticas y llevar a cabo
acciones de incidencia para crear transformación local. En orden de ideas con lo
anterior, dado los efectos del proyecto, la investigación tuvo como objetivo,
Identificar los factores que limitaron o contribuyeron al desarrollo de los
componentes del proyecto, mediante el análisis de la estrategia y procesos de
implementación de los componentes, así como el análisis de las capacidades
organizacionales, los logros de este y las percepciones de los actores participantes,
con la finalidad de formular una propuesta aplicativa de la experiencia, que
contribuya al desarrollo de lideres en la comunidad rural.
Para la consecución de lo anterior, debido a las características de la iniciativa y su
población, se hizo uso del método de estudio de caso, asi mismo, esta
investigación aplico el enfoque de tipo mixto, mediante el cual, se realizó la
recolección de datos de tipo cualitativos y cuantitativo haciendo énfasis en
elementos como los componentes del programa, el impacto del programa, sus
resultados, así como cualidades y habilidades adquiridas en los jóvenes y las
jóvenes participantes; para luego sistematizarlos e interpretarlos de forma
cualitativa y cuantitativa.
Mediante la investigación se identificaron aquellos elementos relacionados con la
gestión que contribuyeron y limitaron al desarrollo del proyecto, asi como las voces
de los participantes, las cuales develaron el impacto de la iniciativa, tanto para los
miembros del equipo ejecutor que expresaron como fue el proceso de ejecución,
como para los y las jóvenes participantes, los cuales expresaron, los impactos y
transformación, percibiéndose lo anterior en conocimientos y capacidades para
liderar la transformación de su territorio.
An element to counteract contexts of inequality and violation of rights for a population group in a territory is the development of social capital, since this generates elements such as trust, collective civic values and associativity, thereby promoting political participation, which is one of the central axes of democracy, the generation and demand of rights. The youth citizen leadership school: young builders of a new social fabric, is an initiative carried out in 2020 in the municipality of Albania in the department of La Guajira Colombia, it is a project that aimed to generate leadership capabilities in the and the young participants to interact with their territory and develop skills to transform their environment. The project was carried out in a territory with social and environmental problems related to the generation of inequality scenarios. Likewise, political participation in terms of including young people in decision-making was exclusive, and given the productive dependence of the municipality on coal mining, it was necessary to rethink the economic future of the territory by calling on those who would be part of this, that is, the current young people. The execution generated impacts on the young participants, since it developed leadership capacities, related to the demand for democratic rights, the ability to participate in political decisions and carry out advocacy actions to create local transformation. In order of ideas with the above, given the effects of the project, the research aimed to: Identify the factors that limited or contributed to the development of the project components, through the analysis of the strategy and implementation processes of the components, as well as the analysis of organizational capabilities, its achievements and the perceptions of the participating actors, with the purpose of formulating a proposal for applying the experience, which contributes to the development of leaders in the rural community. To achieve the objective, due to the characteristics of the initiative and its population, the case study method was used. Likewise, this research made use of the mixed type approach, through which data collection was carried out. qualitative and quantitative, emphasizing elements such as the components of the program, the impact of the program, its results, as well as qualities and skills acquired in the young men and women participating; and then systematize and interpret them qualitatively and quantitatively. Through the investigation, those elements related to management that contributed to and limited the development of the project were identified, as well as the voices of the participants, which revealed the impact of the initiative, both for the members of the executing team who expressed what the process was like. of execution, as well as for the young participants, who expressed the impacts and transformation, perceiving this in knowledge and capabilities to lead the transformation of their territory.
An element to counteract contexts of inequality and violation of rights for a population group in a territory is the development of social capital, since this generates elements such as trust, collective civic values and associativity, thereby promoting political participation, which is one of the central axes of democracy, the generation and demand of rights. The youth citizen leadership school: young builders of a new social fabric, is an initiative carried out in 2020 in the municipality of Albania in the department of La Guajira Colombia, it is a project that aimed to generate leadership capabilities in the and the young participants to interact with their territory and develop skills to transform their environment. The project was carried out in a territory with social and environmental problems related to the generation of inequality scenarios. Likewise, political participation in terms of including young people in decision-making was exclusive, and given the productive dependence of the municipality on coal mining, it was necessary to rethink the economic future of the territory by calling on those who would be part of this, that is, the current young people. The execution generated impacts on the young participants, since it developed leadership capacities, related to the demand for democratic rights, the ability to participate in political decisions and carry out advocacy actions to create local transformation. In order of ideas with the above, given the effects of the project, the research aimed to: Identify the factors that limited or contributed to the development of the project components, through the analysis of the strategy and implementation processes of the components, as well as the analysis of organizational capabilities, its achievements and the perceptions of the participating actors, with the purpose of formulating a proposal for applying the experience, which contributes to the development of leaders in the rural community. To achieve the objective, due to the characteristics of the initiative and its population, the case study method was used. Likewise, this research made use of the mixed type approach, through which data collection was carried out. qualitative and quantitative, emphasizing elements such as the components of the program, the impact of the program, its results, as well as qualities and skills acquired in the young men and women participating; and then systematize and interpret them qualitatively and quantitatively. Through the investigation, those elements related to management that contributed to and limited the development of the project were identified, as well as the voices of the participants, which revealed the impact of the initiative, both for the members of the executing team who expressed what the process was like. of execution, as well as for the young participants, who expressed the impacts and transformation, perceiving this in knowledge and capabilities to lead the transformation of their territory.
Palabras clave
Liderazgo comunitario--Colombia--La Guajira, Proyectos de desarrollo económico--Colombia--La Guajira, Juventud--Participación política--Colombia--La Guajira, Derechos humanos--Aspectos sociales--Colombia--La Guajira
Licencia Creative Commons
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