A values-laden history: Jeffrey Klaiber S. J. y la historiografía sobre los jesuitas en Latinoamérica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Como historiador de los jesuitas en Latinoamérica, Jeffrey Klaiber S. J. ha contribuido al estudio de las misiones y la restauración de los jesuitas en América, y también ha desarrollado una visión histórica distinta de otras corrientes historiográficas. Su énfasis en ciertos valores —la modernidad, la inculturación y la continuidad en el modo de proceder de la Compañía de Jesús— tiene raíces en su propio ser jesuita. Al vincular esa visión con el desarrollo de los estudios jesuíticos, y siguiendo a John O’Malley S. J., este ensayo busca interpretar lo que distingue el aporte de Klaiber.
As a historian of the Jesuits in Latin America, Jeffrey Klaiber S. J. has contributed not only to the study of missions and the restoration of the Jesuits in Latin America, but also has developed a historical vision distinct from other historiographical currents. His emphasis on certain values —modernity, inculturation and continuity if the way of proceeding of the Society of Jesus— has roots in his own Jesuit identity. Linking this vision with the development of Jesuit studies according to John O’Malley S. J., this essay seeks to interpret what distinguishes Klaiber’s contribution.
As a historian of the Jesuits in Latin America, Jeffrey Klaiber S. J. has contributed not only to the study of missions and the restoration of the Jesuits in Latin America, but also has developed a historical vision distinct from other historiographical currents. His emphasis on certain values —modernity, inculturation and continuity if the way of proceeding of the Society of Jesus— has roots in his own Jesuit identity. Linking this vision with the development of Jesuit studies according to John O’Malley S. J., this essay seeks to interpret what distinguishes Klaiber’s contribution.
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