Brecha en productividad y relaciones comerciales asimétricas: el proceso de integración de Canadá y Estados Unidos de Norteamérica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La utilidad del modelo europeo de integración es actualmente sujeto de debate, mientras que el proceso de integración norteamericano ha sido largamente ignorado como un marco comparativo. La relación asimétrica entre Canadá y los Estados Unidos empezó hace mucho tiempo antes del NAFTA, y el estudio de este proceso podría dar luces en los problemas usuales enfrentados por países latinoamericanos. Este artículo intenta promover la discusión sobre este asunto.Particularmente, existe evidencia de un cambio positivo y sustancial en la productividad canadienseen el momento del acuerdo comercial entre Canadá y los Estados Unidos (CUFTA). Sin embargo, la promulgación del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica (NAFTA) no pareceque haya tenido el mismo efecto que el tratado anterior.
The usefulness of the European model of integration is currently subject to debate and the North American integration process has been largely ignored as a comparative framework. The asymmetrical relationship between Canada and the United States began a long time before NAFTA, and the study of this process could shed light on the usual problems faced by Latin American countries. This article attempts to encourage discussion about this topic. Particularly,there is evidence for a substantial and positive change in Canadian productivity at the time of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA). However, the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) does not seem to have had the same effect as the earlier treaty.
The usefulness of the European model of integration is currently subject to debate and the North American integration process has been largely ignored as a comparative framework. The asymmetrical relationship between Canada and the United States began a long time before NAFTA, and the study of this process could shed light on the usual problems faced by Latin American countries. This article attempts to encourage discussion about this topic. Particularly,there is evidence for a substantial and positive change in Canadian productivity at the time of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA). However, the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) does not seem to have had the same effect as the earlier treaty.
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