Informe de consultoría - Corporación Granos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente consultoría, se analiza al grupo económico Cereales Sur y Corporación
Granos, con el objetivo de incrementar su rentabilidad en la fabricación de alimentos naturales
de alto valor nutricional. Actualmente Cereales Sur, en alianza con Corporación Granos,
distribuyen alimentos de consumo masivo en Perú desde el año 2017, su principal objetivo
es competir en las líneas de alto potencial, con alimentos READY TO EAT (listos para el
consumo). La empresa ha experimentado un crecimiento moderado en sus ventas, siendo su
principal consumidor el Estado Peruano, específicamente el Programa Nacional de Alimentación
Escolar Qali Warma debido a sus principales fortalezas: calidad y pronta entrega. La sede
principal y planta procesadora de alimentos están ubicadas en Arequipa. El grupo económico
declara ventas anuales alrededor de S/5’000,000
A partir de las entrevistas realizadas a los principales directivos, el análisis situacional
de la organización y objetivos a largo plazo, se identifican como problemas: bajo crecimiento
en ventas, poca información del mercado y ausencia de planificación en la definición de un
mercado objetivo. Abordando los problemas mencionados, se emplea el método de Delphi
para la elección de una estrategia de diversificación relacionada, además de la matriz de Ansoff
para definir la alternativa en el logro de nuestro objetivo, de esta manera, se propone diversificar
la línea de productos presentando la implementación de una línea de producción con base
en los proyectos de la empresa, planteando así, el lanzamiento de alimento balanceado para
perros con enfoque social. Posteriormente se planifican las actividades en un diagrama de
Gantt para finalmente, analizar los resultados obtenidos, el valor presente neto y la tasa interna
de retorno.
The present investigation for the economic group Cereales Sur and Corporación Granos with the aim of increasing their profitability in the manufacture of natural foods with high nutritional value. Currently, Cereales Sur in alliance with Corporación Granos has been distributing food for mass consumption in Peru since 2017, its main objective is to compete in high potential lines, with READY TO EAT foods (ready for consumption). The company has experienced moderate growth in its sales, its main consumer being the Peruvian State, specifically the National School Food Program Qali Warma due to its main strengths: quality and prompt delivery. The main headquarters and food processing plant are located in Arequipa, currently. The economic group declares annual sales of around S/5,000,000. Based on the interviews carried out with the main managers, the situational analysis of the organization and long-term objectives, the following problems are identified as: low growth in sales, little market information and lack of planning in the definition of a target market. Addressing the aforementioned problems, the Delphi method is used to choose a related diversification strategy, in addition to the Ansoff matrix to define the alternative in achieving our objective, in this way, it is proposed to diversify the product line presenting the implementation of a production line based on the company’s projects, thus proposing the launch of balanced food for dogs with a social focus. Subsequently, the activities are planned in a Gantt chart to finally analyze the results obtained, as well as the net present value and the internal rate of return. Concluding, with precise recommendations in order to increase sales and diversify markets.
The present investigation for the economic group Cereales Sur and Corporación Granos with the aim of increasing their profitability in the manufacture of natural foods with high nutritional value. Currently, Cereales Sur in alliance with Corporación Granos has been distributing food for mass consumption in Peru since 2017, its main objective is to compete in high potential lines, with READY TO EAT foods (ready for consumption). The company has experienced moderate growth in its sales, its main consumer being the Peruvian State, specifically the National School Food Program Qali Warma due to its main strengths: quality and prompt delivery. The main headquarters and food processing plant are located in Arequipa, currently. The economic group declares annual sales of around S/5,000,000. Based on the interviews carried out with the main managers, the situational analysis of the organization and long-term objectives, the following problems are identified as: low growth in sales, little market information and lack of planning in the definition of a target market. Addressing the aforementioned problems, the Delphi method is used to choose a related diversification strategy, in addition to the Ansoff matrix to define the alternative in achieving our objective, in this way, it is proposed to diversify the product line presenting the implementation of a production line based on the company’s projects, thus proposing the launch of balanced food for dogs with a social focus. Subsequently, the activities are planned in a Gantt chart to finally analyze the results obtained, as well as the net present value and the internal rate of return. Concluding, with precise recommendations in order to increase sales and diversify markets.
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