Business consulting- Marco Peruana S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Marco Peruana es una empresa que se dedica al comercio de repuestos y consumibles
para empresas productoras de concentrados de mineral y harina de pescado, durante los últimos
años los gerentes han tenido una percepción de que mientras el negocio crecía por los nuevos
clientes que tenían en su cartera también había un excedente en los productos que Marco
Peruana vendía para estos. En contraste a lo que podría parecer, Marco Peruana ha continuado
siendo rentable durante este tiempo, sin embargo, esta merma sigue latente en la mente de los
gerentes, aplicando una serie de entrevistas a los mismos y a los funcionarios que se encargan
de la compra y contacto con los clientes, se ha visualizado que los problemas que afronta
Marco Peruana están en el inventario de la misma, es por esta razón que el equipo consultor
decidió investigar las causas de la misma y fruto de esta investigación se identificó que carece
de procesos escritos para realizar compras y gestionar el inventario en el trabajo, y que la
responsabilidad de las existencias esta compartida en cuatro áreas lo que hace que esta se
diluya y que las áreas den prioridad a sus objetivos específicos.
Como consecuencia de estos análisis se sustenta que se debe gestionar las siguientes
variables: 1) proveedores implementando un proceso de compra con un sistema de control que
permita compartir dicha responsabilidad, 2) marketing y ventas mediante el desarrollo de una
relación con los clientes, que permita hacer una proyección real de las ventas; es importante
considerar una adecuada captación de esta información mediante el equipo de ventas y
desarrollar un plan de marketing, 3) implementación del manual de procesos y procedimientos,
donde se considere los objetivos y metas del área comercial y del área logística.
El plan de implementación del plan de cambio tiene una duración de 150 días calendario
basados en el ciclo de mejora continua, la programación no es necesariamente estricta, sin
embargo, se debe respetar la secuencia de actividades.
Marco Peruana is a company that is dedicated to the trade of spare parts and consumables for companies that produce mineral concentrates and fishmeal, in recent years managers have had a perception that while the business grew due to the new clients, they had in their portfolio there was also a waste in the products that Marco Peruana sold for these. In contrast to what it might seem, Marco Peruana has continued to be profitable during this time, however, this waste is still latent in the minds of managers, applying a series of interviews to them and to the officials who are in charge of purchasing and contact with clients, it has been visualized that the problems that Marco Peruana faces are in its inventory, it is for this reason that the consulting team decided to investigate the causes of it and as a result of this investigation it was identified that it lacks written processes to make purchases and manage inventory at work, and that responsibility for inventory is shared in four areas, which makes it diluted and that the areas prioritize their specific objectives. As a result of these analyzes, it is sustained that the following variables must be managed: 1) suppliers implementing a purchasing process with a control system that allows sharing this responsibility, 2) marketing and sales through the development of a relationship with customers, which allow to make a real projection of sales; It is important to consider an adequate capture of this information through the sales team and develop a marketing plan, 3) implementation of the process and procedures manual, where the objectives and goals of the commercial area and the logistics area are considered. The change plan implementation plan has a duration of 133 calendar days based on the continuous improvement cycle, the schedule is not necessarily strict, however, the sequence of activities must be respected.
Marco Peruana is a company that is dedicated to the trade of spare parts and consumables for companies that produce mineral concentrates and fishmeal, in recent years managers have had a perception that while the business grew due to the new clients, they had in their portfolio there was also a waste in the products that Marco Peruana sold for these. In contrast to what it might seem, Marco Peruana has continued to be profitable during this time, however, this waste is still latent in the minds of managers, applying a series of interviews to them and to the officials who are in charge of purchasing and contact with clients, it has been visualized that the problems that Marco Peruana faces are in its inventory, it is for this reason that the consulting team decided to investigate the causes of it and as a result of this investigation it was identified that it lacks written processes to make purchases and manage inventory at work, and that responsibility for inventory is shared in four areas, which makes it diluted and that the areas prioritize their specific objectives. As a result of these analyzes, it is sustained that the following variables must be managed: 1) suppliers implementing a purchasing process with a control system that allows sharing this responsibility, 2) marketing and sales through the development of a relationship with customers, which allow to make a real projection of sales; It is important to consider an adequate capture of this information through the sales team and develop a marketing plan, 3) implementation of the process and procedures manual, where the objectives and goals of the commercial area and the logistics area are considered. The change plan implementation plan has a duration of 133 calendar days based on the continuous improvement cycle, the schedule is not necessarily strict, however, the sequence of activities must be respected.