Modelo Prolab: Hub logístico integral para productos de primera necesidad – Green Cargo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En Perú, debido a la presente crisis política y social que se vive, resulta muy importante que
las empresas reconozcan la necesidad de reorganizar sus centros de logística contando con un
experto en gestión de riesgos y un profesional en cadena de suministro para identificar y
resolver posibles desafíos. Dichos desafíos generalmente son críticos y requiere de soluciones
creativas e innovadoras. Bajo este panorama, se planteó la pregunta: ¿Cómo se podría
garantizar al comerciante una oferta constante de productos evitando desabastecimientos y
maximizando sus oportunidades de venta? En este trabajo, se aborda la creación de una
empresa llamada Green Cargo para mejorar la logística de los comerciantes de Chiclayo
mediante tecnologías avanzadas. Para lograr la validación de la propuesta, se realizó una
investigación de mercado y se determinó la aceptación del producto en los comerciantes de
los mercados de abastos de Chiclayo, así como su predisposición de pago para los dos planes
propuestos (mensual por S/250 y anual por S/2,500). Se diseñó el modelo de negocio y se
determinó la viabilidad económica, concluyendo que Green Cargo es viable con una
proyección de cinco años, con un VAN de S/4’839,204.44; una TIR de 66%; un periodo de
recuperación de 2.23; y un beneficio/costo de 3.77. Se estableció que el modelo de negocio es
escalable en el tiempo y se implementará cumpliendo con las exigencias de la legislación
peruana. Finalmente, se evaluó la sostenibilidad del proyecto tomando en cuenta su impacto
en el ODS 9 y ODS 12 y determinando un VANS de S/6’698,994.11 Al considerar estos
resultados, este modelo de negocio es sostenible, escalable y viable.
In Peru, due to the current political and social crisis that is being experienced, it is very important that companies acknowledge the need to reorganize their logistics centers, relying on a risk management expert and a supply chain professional to identify and resolve possible challenges. These challenges are generally critical and require creative and innovative solutions. Under this scenario, the question was posed: How could the merchant be guaranteed a constant supply of products, avoiding shortages and maximizing sales opportunities? In this work, the creation of a company called Green Cargo is addressed to improve the logistics for Chiclayo merchants through advanced technologies. To achieve validation of the proposal, a market investigation was carried out and the acceptance of the product in the merchants of the Chiclayo food markets was determined, as well as their willingness to pay for the two proposed plans (monthly for S/250 and annually for S/2,500). The business model was designed and the economic viability was determined, concluding that Green Cargo is viable with a five-year projection, with an NPV of S/4’839,204.44; an IRR of 66%; a recovery period of 2.23; and a benefit/cost of 3.77. It was established that the business model is scalable over time and it will be implemented in compliance with the requirements of the Peruvian legislation. Finally, the sustainability of the project was evaluated considering its impact on SDG 9 and SDG 12 and determining a VANS of S/5’349,694. In consideration of these results, this business model is sustainable, scalable and viable.
In Peru, due to the current political and social crisis that is being experienced, it is very important that companies acknowledge the need to reorganize their logistics centers, relying on a risk management expert and a supply chain professional to identify and resolve possible challenges. These challenges are generally critical and require creative and innovative solutions. Under this scenario, the question was posed: How could the merchant be guaranteed a constant supply of products, avoiding shortages and maximizing sales opportunities? In this work, the creation of a company called Green Cargo is addressed to improve the logistics for Chiclayo merchants through advanced technologies. To achieve validation of the proposal, a market investigation was carried out and the acceptance of the product in the merchants of the Chiclayo food markets was determined, as well as their willingness to pay for the two proposed plans (monthly for S/250 and annually for S/2,500). The business model was designed and the economic viability was determined, concluding that Green Cargo is viable with a five-year projection, with an NPV of S/4’839,204.44; an IRR of 66%; a recovery period of 2.23; and a benefit/cost of 3.77. It was established that the business model is scalable over time and it will be implemented in compliance with the requirements of the Peruvian legislation. Finally, the sustainability of the project was evaluated considering its impact on SDG 9 and SDG 12 and determining a VANS of S/5’349,694. In consideration of these results, this business model is sustainable, scalable and viable.
Palabras clave
Logística empresarial--Pequeñas empresas
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