Modelo prolab Finance Race
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Finance Race nace de nuestro deseo de dar solución a un problema social relevante: la
falta de habilidades para la gestión de los recursos económicos y financieros en la población
escolar. La relevancia de este problema se revela incluso por su aparición en el currículo
nacional en forma de una competencia a ser adquirida.
Luego de una ardua investigación del mercado y del usuario, y a través del uso de
metodologías ágiles, determinamos proponer Finance Race como solución, cuya propuesta de
valor consiste en ser un material de aprendizaje digital, interactivo y gamificado. La
evidencia de los aprendizajes adquiridos se traslada a proyectos aplicativos, que concursan
por un premio interescolar. Luego de varias pruebas de deseabilidad y de usabilidad, se
confirmó que se trata de una propuesta atractiva para clientes y usuarios.
La generación de los ingresos de Finance Race será a través de la venta de leads
convertidos y a través de la colocación de publicidad, ya que entidades financieras y diversos
tipos de negocio, tendrán público cautivo en los niños que participarán en el programa, y al
menos un adulto por cada niño, durante el tiempo que dura el año escolar. Por ello, se estima
que hay una interacción importante con las marcas. Luego de realizar planes de marketing y
de operaciones, y de revisar los flujos de caja, se verificó que el valor actual neto monetario
de este proyecto, en un escenario realista, supera el millón de dólares en el año 8.
No menos importante, Finance Race impacta de manera positiva a los Objetivos de
Desarrollo Sostenible propuestos por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas 4 y 8. Y en este
caso, el valor actual neto social, supera por mucho al financiero.
Por todo lo anterior, consideramos que Finance Race es una buena inversión pues
muestra muy altas probabilidades de éxito.
Finance Race was born from our desire to provide a solution to a relevant social problem: the lack of skills for the management of economic and financial resources in the school population. The relevance of this problem is even revealed by its appearance in the national curriculum in the form of a competence to be acquired. After laborious market and user research, and by using agile methodologies, we agreed to propose Finance Race as a solution. Its value proposition consists of being a digital, interactive and gamified learning material. The evidence of the learning acquired is transferred to applied projects, which compete for an inter-school award. After several desirability and usability tests and experiments, it was confirmed that it is an appealing proposal for customers and users. The income of Finance Race will come through the sale of converted leads and through advertising, since financial institutions and diverse companies and businesses will have a captive audience in the children who will participate in the program, and at least one adult per each child, during the duration of the school year. Therefore, there is an important opportunity of interaction with brands. After carrying out marketing and operations plans, and reviewing the cash flows, it was confirmed that the financial net present value of this project, in a realistic scenario, exceeds one million dollars in year 8. No less important, Finance Race positively impacts the Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 8 proposed by the United Nations Organization. And in this case, the social net present value far exceeds the financial one. For all the above, we consider that Finance Race is a good investment as it shows very high chances of success.
Finance Race was born from our desire to provide a solution to a relevant social problem: the lack of skills for the management of economic and financial resources in the school population. The relevance of this problem is even revealed by its appearance in the national curriculum in the form of a competence to be acquired. After laborious market and user research, and by using agile methodologies, we agreed to propose Finance Race as a solution. Its value proposition consists of being a digital, interactive and gamified learning material. The evidence of the learning acquired is transferred to applied projects, which compete for an inter-school award. After several desirability and usability tests and experiments, it was confirmed that it is an appealing proposal for customers and users. The income of Finance Race will come through the sale of converted leads and through advertising, since financial institutions and diverse companies and businesses will have a captive audience in the children who will participate in the program, and at least one adult per each child, during the duration of the school year. Therefore, there is an important opportunity of interaction with brands. After carrying out marketing and operations plans, and reviewing the cash flows, it was confirmed that the financial net present value of this project, in a realistic scenario, exceeds one million dollars in year 8. No less important, Finance Race positively impacts the Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 8 proposed by the United Nations Organization. And in this case, the social net present value far exceeds the financial one. For all the above, we consider that Finance Race is a good investment as it shows very high chances of success.
Negocios--Planificación, Innovaciones tecnológicas--Administración, Servicios financieros--Perú, Servicios digitales
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