Moviru, servicio de alquiler y venta de sillas de ruedas todoterreno para personas con discapacidad motora en el departamento de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento detallar el proceso a través del cual se identificó un
problema social relevante y se desarrolló una solución basada en el uso de
metodologías ágiles, pensamiento visual, abductivo y creativo; para obtener así un
modelo de negocio sostenible. La solución que se plantea es MOVIRU, es una
plataforma web que permite a diferentes usuarios poder alquilar o comprar sillas de
ruedas a todorreno hipocampe, para, de esta manera, promover la inclusión de
personas que presentan discapacidad locomotora en las diversas actividades
recreativas en zonas periurbanas de Lima.
La solución planteada fue sometida a un proceso de validación con los
usuarios. Desde el factor deseabilidad, se obtuvieron resultados positivos que
confirmaron dos hipótesis. La primera indica que el 100 % del público objetivo
realizó de modo eficaz el alquiler de la silla de ruedas a todoterreno a través de la
plataforma, lo que se refleja en un puntaje de satisfacción de 8.3 (NPS<=75%) a la
experiencia; la segunda señala que el 63 % de los hoteles encuestado a nivel nacional
estarían dispuestos a comprar sillas de ruedas a todoterreno para sus locales con
centros de esparcimiento y ofrecer un servicio inclusivo para niños y adultos con
discapacidad locomotora. En el caso del factor factibilidad, se realizaron simulaciones
para determinar la ganancia en relación con el costo de marketing para la adquisición
de clientes y se obtuvo como resultado 1.42 por cada sol invertido. En el caso de la
viabilidad financiera se validó mediante la simulación basada en cinco diferentes
escenarios, a partir del cual se logró resultados favorables para el negocio con un
VAN esperado de S/3,283,316 y un TIR de 102%.
Finalmente, se concluyó que MOVIRU es un modelo de negocio sostenible y
escalable que responde directamente al ODS 10, con un índice de relevancia social del
28.6 %, y que genera un VAN de S/5,305,741 y una tasa de descuento social de
8.84% mediante una inversión inicial de S/595,500.
This document details the process through which a relevant social problem was identified and a solution was developed based on the use of agile methodologies, visual, abductive and creative thinking; in order to obtain a sustainable business model. The solution proposed is MOVIRU, a web platform that allows different users to rent or buy wheelchairs Hipocampe, to, in this way, promote the inclusion of people with locomotor disabilities in various recreational activities in peri-urban areas of Lima. The proposed solution was subjected to a validation process with the users. From the desirability factor, positive results were obtained, confirming two hypotheses. The first one indicates that 100% of the target public effectively rented a wheelchair through the platform, which is reflected in a satisfaction score of 8.3 (NPS<=75%) for the experience; the second one indicates that 63% of the surveyed hotels nationwide would be willing to purchase wheelchairs for their premises with recreation centers and offer an inclusive service for children and adults with locomotor disabilities. In the case of the feasibility factor, simulations were carried out to determine the profit in relation to the marketing cost for customer acquisition and the result was 1.42 for each sol invested. In the case of financial feasibility, it was validated through simulation based on five different scenarios, from which favorable results were obtained for the business with an expected NPV of S/3,283,316 and an IRR of 102%. Finally, it was concluded that MOVIRU is a sustainable and scalable business model that responds directly to SDG 10, with a social relevance index of 28.6%, and generates an NPV of S/5,305,741 and a social discount rate of 8.84% through an initial investment of S/595,500.
This document details the process through which a relevant social problem was identified and a solution was developed based on the use of agile methodologies, visual, abductive and creative thinking; in order to obtain a sustainable business model. The solution proposed is MOVIRU, a web platform that allows different users to rent or buy wheelchairs Hipocampe, to, in this way, promote the inclusion of people with locomotor disabilities in various recreational activities in peri-urban areas of Lima. The proposed solution was subjected to a validation process with the users. From the desirability factor, positive results were obtained, confirming two hypotheses. The first one indicates that 100% of the target public effectively rented a wheelchair through the platform, which is reflected in a satisfaction score of 8.3 (NPS<=75%) for the experience; the second one indicates that 63% of the surveyed hotels nationwide would be willing to purchase wheelchairs for their premises with recreation centers and offer an inclusive service for children and adults with locomotor disabilities. In the case of the feasibility factor, simulations were carried out to determine the profit in relation to the marketing cost for customer acquisition and the result was 1.42 for each sol invested. In the case of financial feasibility, it was validated through simulation based on five different scenarios, from which favorable results were obtained for the business with an expected NPV of S/3,283,316 and an IRR of 102%. Finally, it was concluded that MOVIRU is a sustainable and scalable business model that responds directly to SDG 10, with a social relevance index of 28.6%, and generates an NPV of S/5,305,741 and a social discount rate of 8.84% through an initial investment of S/595,500.
Palabras clave
Sostenibilidad empresarial, Innovaciones tecnológicas--Administración, Comercio electrónico--Perú, Servicios digitales, Sillas de ruedas--Innovaciones tecnológicas
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