Planeamiento estratégico para la región de Cajamarca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad presentar el plan estratégico asignado a la
Región Cajamarca para su desarrollo social y económico, en base a una visión enfocada en el
bienestar y el desarrollo de la población. Cajamarca es la cuarta Región con mayor densidad
poblacional a nivel nacional y cuenta con un territorio geográfico andino y de ceja de selva el
cual posee diversos recursos naturales. El presente plan estratégico propone hacer uso de
estos recursos naturales de manera responsable y amigable con el medio ambiente para
generar valor y bienestar social a los pobladores de Cajamarca sobre todo considerando que
al ser esta la región más pobre a nivel nacional necesita un cambio profundo en todos los
niveles jerárquicos para otorgar a sus pobladores el bienestar económico y social que tanto
El sector minero de Cajamarca representa la mayor fuente de ingresos para la región,
significando el 30.5% de su PBI y en cartera presenta nuevos proyectos como Michiquillay lo
que impulsará aún más esta actividad económica. En este sentido será determinante una
gestión activa del Gobierno Regional para alinear las expectativas de los grupos de interés y
reducir o aminorar los conflictos sociales. Como segunda fuente de ingresos se cuenta con la
agroexportación de café y berries, que son productos altamente valorados en mercados
internacionales. Esta industria es inclusiva y permite la participación de los habitantes de
Cajamarca haciendo uso de sus mejores recursos como agua y suelo. Será determinante que
el Gobierno Regional dote de aptitudes, conocimiento y competencias que aceleren la
integración de los habitantes en estas actividades económicas. El plan estratégico contribuye
con el progreso económico y social de la Región de Cajamarca al presentar un conjunto de
estrategias que permitan alcanzar la visión deseada
The objective of this document is to propose a strategic plan for the region of Cajamarca in Peru, in order to achieve an appropriated level of social and economic development among its people. Cajamarca is the fourth region with more population density in Peru and also has Andean and high jungle geographical territory with many natural resources. This strategic plan proposes to use the natural resources in a responsible and ecofriendly way to create value and social welfare among the inhabitants of Cajamarca especially considering that this is the poorest region in Peru and needs a big change at all hierarchical levels to grant its inhabitants the economic and social well-being that they desire. Mining industry in Cajamarca represents the most important economical source for the region, it consists of 30.5% of the GDP and also has the Michiquillay project in its portfolio which will boost more this economic activity. In this way, it will be decisive to have an active participation of the Regional Government of Cajamarca, in order to satisfy the stakeholders expectations and also reduce the social conflicts. As a second economical source we consider the exportation of coffee and berries; which are really appreciated products worldwide. This is an inclusive industry and allows the help of Cajamarca inhabitants by using their best resources like water and soil. It will be decisive that the Regional Government of Cajamarca brings abilities, knowledge, and competencies that foster the integration of the inhabitants on those economical activities. This strategic plan contributes with the economic and social progress of the region of Cajamarca by proposing a group of strategies that allows to reach the desired vision
The objective of this document is to propose a strategic plan for the region of Cajamarca in Peru, in order to achieve an appropriated level of social and economic development among its people. Cajamarca is the fourth region with more population density in Peru and also has Andean and high jungle geographical territory with many natural resources. This strategic plan proposes to use the natural resources in a responsible and ecofriendly way to create value and social welfare among the inhabitants of Cajamarca especially considering that this is the poorest region in Peru and needs a big change at all hierarchical levels to grant its inhabitants the economic and social well-being that they desire. Mining industry in Cajamarca represents the most important economical source for the region, it consists of 30.5% of the GDP and also has the Michiquillay project in its portfolio which will boost more this economic activity. In this way, it will be decisive to have an active participation of the Regional Government of Cajamarca, in order to satisfy the stakeholders expectations and also reduce the social conflicts. As a second economical source we consider the exportation of coffee and berries; which are really appreciated products worldwide. This is an inclusive industry and allows the help of Cajamarca inhabitants by using their best resources like water and soil. It will be decisive that the Regional Government of Cajamarca brings abilities, knowledge, and competencies that foster the integration of the inhabitants on those economical activities. This strategic plan contributes with the economic and social progress of the region of Cajamarca by proposing a group of strategies that allows to reach the desired vision
Palabras clave
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Cajamarca, Desarrollo regional -- Perú --Cajamarca, Planificación estratégica
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