La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de lavadoras de los consumidores varones entre 18 a 24 años en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La responsabilidad social empresarial es un tema cada vez de mayor interés
para las organizaciones, tanto en el Perú como a nivel internacional, y es un área que
debe ser asumida y gestionada por las empresas. Esta investigación busca encontrar la
influencia que la responsabilidad social empresarial tiene en el comportamiento de
compra de lavadoras de los varones peruanos entre 18 a 24 años de edad, a nivel de la
ciudad de Lima. Se desarrolló un experimento bajo la metodología de los modelos de
elección discreta con el objetivo de cuantificar la intención de compra y la disposición
a pagar por las acciones de responsabilidad social desarrolladas por las empresas. El
experimento se llevó a cabo utilizando una muestra aleatoria de 132 consumidores
limeños. La investigación brinda evidencia empírica de la relación positiva existente
entre la responsabilidad social empresarial y el comportamiento de compra de la
muestra. Los resultados del estudio indican que para el segmento de la población
evaluada el efecto de la responsabilidad social empresarial en su conjunto es inferior
al de las competencias corporativas.
Esta tesis es una ampliación del alcance de la investigación doctoral de Percy
Samoel Marquina Feldman, La Influencia de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
en el Comportamiento de Compra de los Peruanos (CENTRUM Católica, Centro de
Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima 2009). Esta tesis de
maestría tiene la intención de validar si la relación identificada originalmente por el
autor también está presente en la categoría de compra de lavadoras como sugiere en
sus recomendaciones finales. Con la autorización del autor, se ha utilizado parte de
esta tesis, sobre todo en lo que respecta a la revisión y los métodos de la literatura.
The Corporate Social Responsibility is an increasingly higher interest to organizations, both in Peru and internationally, is an area that should assume and manage companies. This research seeks to find the influence that corporate social responsibility has on Peruvian men buying behavior between 18 and 24 years old about washing machine of the city of Lima. This experiment was developed under the Methodology of Discrete Choice Models in order to quantify the purchase intention and willingness to pay for social responsibility actions developed by companies. The experiment was conducted using a random sample of 132 consumers. The research provides empirical evidence of the positive relationship between CSR and purchase behavior of the sample. The results indicate that for the evaluated population´s segment the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility as a whole is lower than Corporate Competencies. This thesis is an expansion to the scope of Prof. Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman doctoral research The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Peruvians' Purchasing Behavior (CENTRUM Católica, Centro de Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima 2009). This Master thesis intends to validate if the relationship originally identified by Prof. Marquina is also present in the category of coffee purchase as the author suggest in his final recommendations. With the author's authorization part of his thesis has been used, mainly with respect to literature review and methods.
The Corporate Social Responsibility is an increasingly higher interest to organizations, both in Peru and internationally, is an area that should assume and manage companies. This research seeks to find the influence that corporate social responsibility has on Peruvian men buying behavior between 18 and 24 years old about washing machine of the city of Lima. This experiment was developed under the Methodology of Discrete Choice Models in order to quantify the purchase intention and willingness to pay for social responsibility actions developed by companies. The experiment was conducted using a random sample of 132 consumers. The research provides empirical evidence of the positive relationship between CSR and purchase behavior of the sample. The results indicate that for the evaluated population´s segment the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility as a whole is lower than Corporate Competencies. This thesis is an expansion to the scope of Prof. Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman doctoral research The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Peruvians' Purchasing Behavior (CENTRUM Católica, Centro de Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima 2009). This Master thesis intends to validate if the relationship originally identified by Prof. Marquina is also present in the category of coffee purchase as the author suggest in his final recommendations. With the author's authorization part of his thesis has been used, mainly with respect to literature review and methods.
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