Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa Netafim Perú S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El plan estratégico propuesto para la empresa Netafim Perú S.A.C., se enmarca en la
industria del riego presurizado, específicamente en el mercado de riego por goteo. Netafim
Perú S.A.C. es una de las 54 subsidiarias que tiene la empresa israelí Netafim LTD a nivel
mundial, la cual ocupa el primer lugar en ventas de la industria y tiene como principales
competidores a Naan Dan Jain y Jhon Deer Water. Las empresas de riego por goteo, han ido
afrontando desafíos y desarrollando soluciones tecnológicas que han tenido que ser
soportadas por alianzas estratégicas y hasta modificaciones en su accionariado, situación que
se ha presentado de manera similar en todas, con diversos niveles de impacto.
Las principales subsidiarias de Netafim LTD, han desarrollado modelos competitivos
con resultados importantes en aspectos como: logística y políticas de precios, trabajando
fuertemente con las cadenas de distribuidores en cuanto al manejo de conceptos técnicos.
Como uno de sus principales objetivos corporativos, Netafim LTD y por lo tanto, Netafim
Perú S.A.C., deben proteger su actual cuota de mercado, además de procurar ampliar el
mercando, en ese sentido, el mercado peruano ofrece las características ideales a través de los
cultivos de: cacao, café, palto, caña de azúcar, uva entre los principales, proponiendo para
ellos estrategias que permitan dar soporte a estas necesidades y generar valor para la
Las oportunidades en el mercado peruano para el riego por goteo son prometedoras y
presentan resultados importantes para los agricultores, con lo cual se exige el desarrollo de
productos altamente competitivos en precios, especialmente para cubrir aquellos cultivos que
no han tenido penetración de tecnología de riego, teniendo respaldo a través del Plan
Estratégico Nacional, el cual toma como parte del mismo el desarrollo de la tecnificación del
riego y a este se suma la aplicación de la Ley 28585, entre otros instrumentos que abren paso
a la necesidad de tecnología en riego especialmente en las regiones de la selva y sierra. La información precedente ha servido para la elaboración de estrategias, las mismas
que se han elaborado en función al perfil del sector, clientes y necesidades del mercado,
aprovechando los recursos que la compañía posee como es la planta de producción,
especialistas técnicos calificados y los equipos de experiencia en ingeniería y agronomía. La
probabilidad de obtener resultados positivos para la compañía es muy amplia debido a las
condiciones y políticas del Gobierno en aspectos claves del desarrollo agrícola e industrial
del país, con lo cual podemos asegurar óptimos resultados en los siguientes diez años.
Finalmente, es importante precisar que Netafim Perú S.A.C. tiene las bases para
iniciar la implementación y desarrollo de las estrategias propuestas durante los siguientes
años, siguiendo y actualizando los objetivos a largo y corto plazo a fin de capitalizar
cualquier oportunidad futura o disminuir los riesgos que puedan darse por variables
inesperadas procurando un impacto importante en el ámbito de la industria del riego por
goteo, siendo preponderante la necesidad de hacer seguimiento a la fuerza de ventas de forma
especializada y orientada en políticas comerciales formalizadas, lo cual debe incluir el
desarrollo de distribuidores sobre todo en mercados de alta rotación a fin de posicionar los
productos y el concepto del sistema de riego por goteo e ir captando el mercando que a la
fecha atiende la competencia. El trabajo en base a estrategias definidas en función a la
evaluación del sector y la compañía fortalecerá el crecimiento en los siguientes próximos
The strategic plan proposed for the company Netafim Peru S.A.C. is part of the pressurized irrigation industry , specifically in the drip irrigation market. Netafim Peru S.A.C. is one of 54 subsidiaries that the Israeli company Netafim LTD owns worldwide, which ranks first in industry sales and which main competitors are Naan Dan Jain and John Deer Water. Drip irrigation companies have been facing challenges and developing technological solutions that have to be supported by strategic alliances and even changes in its shareholding, a situation that has presented similarly in all companies, with varying degrees of impact. Netafim LTD’s principal subsidiaries have developed competitive models with significant results in areas such as: logistics and pricing policies, working hard with distribution chains regarding management of technical concepts. As one of its key corporate objectives, Netafim LTD and hence Netafim Peru S.A.C., must protect its current market share, in addition to seeking to extend the market. In that sense, Peruvian market offers the ideal characteristics through crop of: cocoa, coffee, avocado, sugarcane, grapes, among others, proposing strategies that allow supporting these needs and creating value for the company. Opportunities in the Peruvian market for drip irrigation are promising and show significant results for farmers, thereby developing highly competitive products prices is required, especially to cover crops that have not had access to irrigation technology, having support through the National Strategic Plan, which takes special focus on the development of irrigation technology and the application of Law 28585, among other instruments that give way to the need for technology in irrigation, especially in regions of the forest and mountains. The above information has helped the development of strategies, which have been developed based on sector’s profile, customers and market needs , taking advantage of the resources that the company owns such as the production plant, specialists qualified technicians and experienced engineering and agronomy teams. Probability of a positive outcome for the company is very large due to the conditions and government policies in key aspects of agricultural and industrial development of the country, which can ensure optimum results in the next ten years. Finally, it is important to note that Netafim Peru S.A.C. has the bases to start the implementation and development of the strategies proposed in the following years, following and updating its long and short term goals in order to capitalize on any future opportunity or decrease any risks that may occur due to unexpected variables, seeking an important impact on the drip irrigation industry, being overbearing the need to specialized monitoring to the sales force and oriented on formalized trade policies, which should include the development of distributors especially in fast-moving markets to position products and the concept of drip irrigation systems and therefore capturing the market share that is currently supplied by competitors. Work based on defined strategies according to the assessment of the sector and the company, will strength growth in the next few years.
The strategic plan proposed for the company Netafim Peru S.A.C. is part of the pressurized irrigation industry , specifically in the drip irrigation market. Netafim Peru S.A.C. is one of 54 subsidiaries that the Israeli company Netafim LTD owns worldwide, which ranks first in industry sales and which main competitors are Naan Dan Jain and John Deer Water. Drip irrigation companies have been facing challenges and developing technological solutions that have to be supported by strategic alliances and even changes in its shareholding, a situation that has presented similarly in all companies, with varying degrees of impact. Netafim LTD’s principal subsidiaries have developed competitive models with significant results in areas such as: logistics and pricing policies, working hard with distribution chains regarding management of technical concepts. As one of its key corporate objectives, Netafim LTD and hence Netafim Peru S.A.C., must protect its current market share, in addition to seeking to extend the market. In that sense, Peruvian market offers the ideal characteristics through crop of: cocoa, coffee, avocado, sugarcane, grapes, among others, proposing strategies that allow supporting these needs and creating value for the company. Opportunities in the Peruvian market for drip irrigation are promising and show significant results for farmers, thereby developing highly competitive products prices is required, especially to cover crops that have not had access to irrigation technology, having support through the National Strategic Plan, which takes special focus on the development of irrigation technology and the application of Law 28585, among other instruments that give way to the need for technology in irrigation, especially in regions of the forest and mountains. The above information has helped the development of strategies, which have been developed based on sector’s profile, customers and market needs , taking advantage of the resources that the company owns such as the production plant, specialists qualified technicians and experienced engineering and agronomy teams. Probability of a positive outcome for the company is very large due to the conditions and government policies in key aspects of agricultural and industrial development of the country, which can ensure optimum results in the next ten years. Finally, it is important to note that Netafim Peru S.A.C. has the bases to start the implementation and development of the strategies proposed in the following years, following and updating its long and short term goals in order to capitalize on any future opportunity or decrease any risks that may occur due to unexpected variables, seeking an important impact on the drip irrigation industry, being overbearing the need to specialized monitoring to the sales force and oriented on formalized trade policies, which should include the development of distributors especially in fast-moving markets to position products and the concept of drip irrigation systems and therefore capturing the market share that is currently supplied by competitors. Work based on defined strategies according to the assessment of the sector and the company, will strength growth in the next few years.
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