El inadecuado plan de estudio de formación policial en la Escuela de Educación Superior Técnico Profesional Puente Piedra de la Policía Nacional del Perú en Lima Metropolitana entre 2017-2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
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La inseguridad pública ha experimentado un incremento significativo en nuestro país durante los
últimos años, siendo incluso considerado como una de las dificultades fundamentales de la que
sufren los peruanos. Siendo este, además, uno de los que más afecta en gran medida el progreso
y el logro de bienestar en términos de calidad de vida. Al respecto, la Policía Nacional también
ha sido objeto de críticas y dudas respecto a la efectividad con la que ejercen sus funciones, así
como respecto a su capacidad de hacer frente a este problema público.
La presente investigación identifica al respecto, un inadecuado Plan de Estudios para la
educación o formación de suboficiales, ejecutado por la Escuela de Educación Superior Técnico
Profesional de Puente Piedra. El diseño actual presenta características que afectan
negativamente la función policial, principalmente en lo referido al plan de estudio, la calidad
docente y el proceso de selección. Con una mejora académica significativa para los suboficiales,
se contribuiría al desarrollo de las habilidades necesarias para cumplir de manera satisfactoria
con su labor policial.
Ante lo presentado previamente, el trabajo tiene como propósito plantear una solución
completamente innovadora en la implementación de un diseño curricular renovado para la
Escuela Superior Técnico de Suboficiales de Puente Piedra. Este diseño curricular implementa
una visión de mejora académica, a través de competencias y la identificación de cualidades
deseadas del alumno y la estructura académica que requiere.
Public insecurity has experienced a significant increase in our country during the last years, being even considered as one of the fundamental difficulties suffered by Peruvians. Being this, in addition, one of the most affecting to a great extent the progress and achievement of welfare in terms of quality of life. In this regard, the National Police has also been the object of criticism and doubts regarding the effectiveness with which they carry out their functions, as well as their capacity to confront this public problem. This research identifies an inadequate curriculum for the education or training of noncommissioned officers, implemented by the School of Higher Technical Professional Education of Puente Piedra. The current design presents characteristics that negatively affect the police function, mainly in relation to the study plan, the teaching quality and the selection process. A significant academic improvement for NCOs would contribute to the development of the necessary skills to satisfactorily perform their police work. In view of what has been previously presented, the purpose of this work is to propose a completely innovative solution in the implementation of a renewed curriculum design for the Escuela Superior Técnico de Suboficiales de Puente Piedra (Technical High School of Non- Commissioned Officers of Puente Piedra). This curriculum design implements a vision of academic improvement, through competencies and the identification of desired student qualities and the academic structure required.
Public insecurity has experienced a significant increase in our country during the last years, being even considered as one of the fundamental difficulties suffered by Peruvians. Being this, in addition, one of the most affecting to a great extent the progress and achievement of welfare in terms of quality of life. In this regard, the National Police has also been the object of criticism and doubts regarding the effectiveness with which they carry out their functions, as well as their capacity to confront this public problem. This research identifies an inadequate curriculum for the education or training of noncommissioned officers, implemented by the School of Higher Technical Professional Education of Puente Piedra. The current design presents characteristics that negatively affect the police function, mainly in relation to the study plan, the teaching quality and the selection process. A significant academic improvement for NCOs would contribute to the development of the necessary skills to satisfactorily perform their police work. In view of what has been previously presented, the purpose of this work is to propose a completely innovative solution in the implementation of a renewed curriculum design for the Escuela Superior Técnico de Suboficiales de Puente Piedra (Technical High School of Non- Commissioned Officers of Puente Piedra). This curriculum design implements a vision of academic improvement, through competencies and the identification of desired student qualities and the academic structure required.
Palabras clave
Policía Nacional (Perú), Institutos tecnológicos--Currículo--Perú--Puente Piedra (Lima : Distrito), Capacitación de la policía--Perú--Puente Piedra (Lima : Distrito), Administración de calidad total en la educación--Perú--Puente Piedra (Lima : Distrito)
Licencia Creative Commons
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