Súper M: Diseño de programa social de asesoría y capacitación en gestión de diseño gráfico para los emprendimientos de mujeres del CETPRO Chorrillos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo investiga como el emprendimiento de una mujer puede ingresar al difícil
mercado laboral peruano, teniendo así la oportunidad de mejorar su calidad de vida. Es así que
se analiza el caso de las mujeres chorrillanas que atienden los cursos de oficios otorgados por
el Centro de Educación Técnico Productiva (CETPRO) Sagrado Corazón Chalet, el cual
capacita en distintos oficios para tener acceso a más oportunidades laborales. El problema
identificado se da cuando a pesar de recibir y terminar sus cursos de capacitación no llegan a
desarrollar su propio emprendimiento por diversos motivos, principalmente porque sus
productos no son competitivos en el mercado por falta de una adecuada identidad de marca,
presentación creativa y difusión de sus productos.
Así se plantea la hipótesis que la creación de un programa social de asesoría y capacitación en
gestión de diseño gráfico para las estudiantes del CETPRO Sagrado Corazón Chalet mejorará
la inserción de sus productos en el mercado altamente competitivo mejorando su calidad de
vida. El proyecto permite que estas mujeres conozcan la importancia de tener una marca,
empaques adecuados y saber cómo difundir sus productos, y conociendo como un profesional
del diseño las puede ayudar en ese proceso. De esta manera difundimos entre los micro
empresarios ese conocimiento y respeto por la profesión del diseño gráfico en el desarrollo de
la comunicación visual de toda empresa sea grande o pequeña. Es así que este proyecto innova
en el sentido de democratizar la profesión a todos los sectores productivos del país.
This paper investigates how a woman's entrepreneurship can enter the difficult Peruvian labor market, thus having the opportunity to improve her quality of life. Therefore, it analyzes the case of the women from Chorrillos who attend the trade courses offered by the Centro de Educación Técnico Productiva (CETPRO) Sagrado Corazón Chalet, which provides training in different trades in order to have access to more job opportunities. The problem identified occurs when, despite receiving and completing their training courses, they do not manage to develop their own business for various reasons, mainly because their products are not competitive in the market due to lack of an adequate brand identity, creative presentation and dissemination of their products. Thus, it is hypothesized that the creation of a social program of counseling and training in graphic design management for the students of CETPRO Sagrado Corazón Chalet will improve the insertion of their products in the highly competitive market, improving their quality of life. The project allows these women to know the importance of having a brand, adequate packaging and how to disseminate their products, knowing how a design professional can help them in this process. In this way we spread among micro entrepreneurs that knowledge and respect for the profession of graphic design in the development of visual communication of any company, large or small. This is how this project innovates in the sense of democratizing the profession to all productive sectors of the country.
This paper investigates how a woman's entrepreneurship can enter the difficult Peruvian labor market, thus having the opportunity to improve her quality of life. Therefore, it analyzes the case of the women from Chorrillos who attend the trade courses offered by the Centro de Educación Técnico Productiva (CETPRO) Sagrado Corazón Chalet, which provides training in different trades in order to have access to more job opportunities. The problem identified occurs when, despite receiving and completing their training courses, they do not manage to develop their own business for various reasons, mainly because their products are not competitive in the market due to lack of an adequate brand identity, creative presentation and dissemination of their products. Thus, it is hypothesized that the creation of a social program of counseling and training in graphic design management for the students of CETPRO Sagrado Corazón Chalet will improve the insertion of their products in the highly competitive market, improving their quality of life. The project allows these women to know the importance of having a brand, adequate packaging and how to disseminate their products, knowing how a design professional can help them in this process. In this way we spread among micro entrepreneurs that knowledge and respect for the profession of graphic design in the development of visual communication of any company, large or small. This is how this project innovates in the sense of democratizing the profession to all productive sectors of the country.
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