Estrategia de voluntariado corporativo para el desarrollo : Escuadrón Belcorp
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El voluntariado corporativo es la manifestación y compromiso de responsabilidad social que
tiene una empresa con la sociedad. Todo ello, se realiza a través de su activo más importante,
su capital humano (Lemonche, s/f). Belcorp, una multinacional de belleza, cuenta con su
propio voluntariado corporativo “Voluntarios Belcorp”, el cual tiene como objetivo principal
impactar positivamente en la vida de sus colaboradores, los beneficiarios a los que se dirige y
a la sociedad. Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos del voluntariado por mantener una
propuesta atractiva, aún los colaboradores consideran que este no tiene el impacto esperado
en sí mismos, ni en la de los beneficiarios.
Por esta razón, nace la motivación por crear “Escuadrón Belcorp”, una nueva estrategia de
voluntariado corporativo para el desarrollo que pueda generar un impacto positivo y
trascendente tanto en los voluntarios como en los beneficiarios. Esta propuesta cuenta con un
enfoque participativo, en el cual los voluntarios son quienes se encargan de diseñar y
gestionar las actividades del voluntariado. Esta estrategia permite la sostenibilidad del
voluntariado corporativo a través del desarrollo personal y profesional del talento Belcorp,
este propone desarrollar habilidades como: trabajo en equipo, liderazgo, comunicación
asertiva y gestión de voluntariado. Escuadrón Belcorp les brindará un espacio para desarrollar
su capacidad de gobernanza y convertirá a los voluntarios en agentes de cambio en la
sociedad. De esta manera, la nueva propuesta planteada reúne los aspectos idóneos para
poder llevar a cabo una estrategia de voluntariado corporativo, en la que se priorice ambos
públicos: voluntarios y beneficiarios.
Corporate volunteering manifests the company’s commitment to social responsibility within the society. All this is possible through its most important asset, its human capital (Lemonche, n/d). Belcorp, a beauty and self-care multinational company, has its own corporate volunteer program "Voluntarios Belcorp", whose main objective is to have a positive impact on the lives of its employees, the beneficiaries to whom it is directed and society as a whole. However, despite the efforts of volunteering to maintain an attractive proposal, employees still consider that it does not have the expected impact on themselves and the beneficiaries. Due to this reason, the motivation was born to create "Escuadrón Belcorp", a new corporate volunteering strategy for development that generates a positive and transcendent impact on both volunteers and beneficiaries. This proposal has a participatory approach, in which volunteers are in charge of designing and managing volunteer activities. This strategy allows the sustainability of corporate volunteering through the personal and professional development of Belcorp talent. It proposes to develop skills such as teamwork, leadership, assertive communication and volunteer management. Escuadron Belcorp will provide them with a space to develop their capacity for governance and will turn volunteers into agents of change in society. In this way, the new proposal brings together the ideal aspects to be able to carry out a corporate volunteering strategy that prioritizes both audiences: volunteers and beneficiaries.
Corporate volunteering manifests the company’s commitment to social responsibility within the society. All this is possible through its most important asset, its human capital (Lemonche, n/d). Belcorp, a beauty and self-care multinational company, has its own corporate volunteer program "Voluntarios Belcorp", whose main objective is to have a positive impact on the lives of its employees, the beneficiaries to whom it is directed and society as a whole. However, despite the efforts of volunteering to maintain an attractive proposal, employees still consider that it does not have the expected impact on themselves and the beneficiaries. Due to this reason, the motivation was born to create "Escuadrón Belcorp", a new corporate volunteering strategy for development that generates a positive and transcendent impact on both volunteers and beneficiaries. This proposal has a participatory approach, in which volunteers are in charge of designing and managing volunteer activities. This strategy allows the sustainability of corporate volunteering through the personal and professional development of Belcorp talent. It proposes to develop skills such as teamwork, leadership, assertive communication and volunteer management. Escuadron Belcorp will provide them with a space to develop their capacity for governance and will turn volunteers into agents of change in society. In this way, the new proposal brings together the ideal aspects to be able to carry out a corporate volunteering strategy that prioritizes both audiences: volunteers and beneficiaries.
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