Modelo prolab: Ópalos Peruanos: Propuesta para contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de las madres solas e hijos en el distrito de Cajamarca, a través de la capacitación especializada en el tallado de las gemas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El problema social relevante identificado consiste en la baja calidad de vida de
familias cajamarquinas encabezadas por madres solas que no han tenido oportunidad de
realizar estudios superiores y con ello presentan un bajo nivel de empleo adecuado e ingresos
insuficientes. La solución propuesta es la creación de Ópalos Peruanos, empresa que busca
brindar capacitación y certificación gratuita en el tallado de alta calidad de la piedra
semipreciosa, que lleva el nombre de la empresa, de la mano con una oportunidad laboral
adecuada. Para validar las hipótesis, se realizaron entrevistas y encuestas con usuarios
potenciales de nuestro país y del extranjero, obteniendo los siguientes resultados: más del
80% de los usuarios estaría dispuesto a comprar una joya con ópalo andino tallado
artesanalmente; el promedio ponderado de los usuarios estaría dispuesto a pagar un precio
promedio superior a $150 por una joya con ópalo; más del 50% de los usuarios valora que las
principales características del ópalo ándino sean su belleza y la contribución social; más del
50% de los usuarios recomendarían la plataforma web de venta de Ópalo Andino y/o la
compra de este producto y más del 70% de los clientes comprarían joyas con las
característica del producto ofrecido por lo menos una vez al año.
En el aspecto financiero, la proyección a cinco años genera un VAN de 4 millones de
soles y una TIR de 170% gracias al margen que se produce por el tallado lo cual eleva el
valor de las gemas que tienen un costo por kilate menor a $1 y el precio de venta es en
promedio $29. Con relación al VAN social, se estima en 2.7 millones de soles por lo que
concluimos que Ópalos Peruanos es un modelo de negocio que además de viable
económicamente es sostenible ya que responde a los ODS 8 y 10. Finalmente, con una
inversión de 670,000 soles y el deseo real de convertir al ópalo peruano en un producto
Marca Perú reconocido por la mayor parte de la población a nivel nacional e internacional, se
estima que podremos alcanzar el éxito de este proyecto en los próximos cinco años.
The relevant social problem identified is the low quality of life of Cajamarcan families headed by single mothers who have not had the opportunity to pursue higher education and therefore have a low level of suitable employment and insufficient incomes. The proposed solution is the creation of Peruvian Opals, a company that seeks to provide free training and certification in the high-quality carving of the semi-precious stone, that bears the name of the company, alongside a suitable employment opportunity. To validate the hypotheses, interviews and surveys were conducted with potential users from our country and abroad, obtaining the following results: over 80% of users would be willing to buy a handmade Andean opal jewelry; the weighted average of users would be willing to pay an average price higher than $150 for an opal jewelry; over 50% of users value the main characteristics of the Andean opal as its beauty and social contribution; over 50% of users would recommend the Andean Opal online sales platform and/or the purchase of this product, and over 70% of customers would buy jewelry with the characteristics of the offered product at least once a year. In financial terms, the five-year projection generates a NPV of four million soles and an IRR of 170% thanks to the margin produced by carving, which raises the value of gems that have a cost per carat less than $1 and an average selling price of $29. Regarding the social NPV, it is estimated at 2.7 million soles, so we conclude that Peruvian Opals is a business model that, in addition to being economically viable, is sustainable as it responds to SDGs 8 and 10. Finally, with an investment of 670,000 soles and the real desire to make Peruvian opal a recognized Brand Peru product by most of the population both nationally and internationally, we estimate that we can achieve the success of this project in the next five years.
The relevant social problem identified is the low quality of life of Cajamarcan families headed by single mothers who have not had the opportunity to pursue higher education and therefore have a low level of suitable employment and insufficient incomes. The proposed solution is the creation of Peruvian Opals, a company that seeks to provide free training and certification in the high-quality carving of the semi-precious stone, that bears the name of the company, alongside a suitable employment opportunity. To validate the hypotheses, interviews and surveys were conducted with potential users from our country and abroad, obtaining the following results: over 80% of users would be willing to buy a handmade Andean opal jewelry; the weighted average of users would be willing to pay an average price higher than $150 for an opal jewelry; over 50% of users value the main characteristics of the Andean opal as its beauty and social contribution; over 50% of users would recommend the Andean Opal online sales platform and/or the purchase of this product, and over 70% of customers would buy jewelry with the characteristics of the offered product at least once a year. In financial terms, the five-year projection generates a NPV of four million soles and an IRR of 170% thanks to the margin produced by carving, which raises the value of gems that have a cost per carat less than $1 and an average selling price of $29. Regarding the social NPV, it is estimated at 2.7 million soles, so we conclude that Peruvian Opals is a business model that, in addition to being economically viable, is sustainable as it responds to SDGs 8 and 10. Finally, with an investment of 670,000 soles and the real desire to make Peruvian opal a recognized Brand Peru product by most of the population both nationally and internationally, we estimate that we can achieve the success of this project in the next five years.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Mujeres--Perú, Calidad de vida, Madres, Aprendizaje (Educación)
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