Planeamiento estratégico digital y sostenibilidad del mercado inmobiliario de edificaciones urbanas en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente documento se elaboró el Plan Estratégico para el Sector Inmobiliario de
Lima Metropolitana, con el objetivo de contribuir y promover la competitividad del sector y
alcanzar la visión para el año 2025, consolidando el mercado por medio del desarrollo de
actividades basadas en innovación tecnológica, sostenibilidad, y transformación digital en el
sector inmobiliario lo cual permitirá generar valor para las empresa que lo conforman,
clientes, stakeholders y la sociedad.
Se han formulado seis objetivos de largo plazo basados en un análisis exhaustivo de
factores internos y externos, identificándose las principales fortalezas, oportunidades,
debilidades y amenazas; los cuales se listan a continuación: (a) los productos inmobiliarios de
vivienda como casas y departamentos en Lima Metropolitana deberán contar todas con
certificación LEED, EDGE, Mi Vivienda Verde; (b) el uso de la realidad virtual (VR) y la
realidad aumentada (AR) para la publicidad de los productos inmobiliarios de Lima
Metropolitana, aumentará en un 140%; (c) aumentar las nuevas oficinas comerciales para coworking
en el 80% de las empresas de Lima Metropolitana; (d) implementar el blockchain en
la cadena de suministro de las construcciones inmobiliarias con para reducir las fechas de
entrega de inmuebles en preventa; (e) incrementar en 80% las construcciones de edificios de
vivienda en building information modeling (BIM) de las construcciones en Lima
Metropolitana; y (f) aplicar la domótica/casas inteligentes/IoT en el 70% de los nuevos
productos inmobiliarios para residencia de Lima Metropolitana. Estos objetivos de largo
plazo han sido divididos en 28 objetivos a corto plazo que conducirán de forma progresiva
hacia la visión planteada; y estarán en un constante seguimiento y evaluación por medio del
balance scorecard a través de sus cuatro perspectivas. Inicialmente se plantearon 25
estrategias, de las cuales 12 se convirtieron en retenidas y las otras 13 se mantienen como de contingencia. El apoyo de la empresa privada que conforma el sector jugará un rol importante
para el cambio tecnológico y el desarrollo sostenible con la sociedad.
In this document, the Strategic Plan for the Real Estate Sector of Metropolitan Lima was prepared, with the objective of contributing and promoting the competitiveness of the sector and achieving the vision for the year 2025, consolidating the market through development of activities based on technological innovation, sustainability, and digital transformation in the real estate sector, which will allow generating value for the companies that comprise it, clients, stakeholders and society. Six long-term objectives have been formulated based on an exhaustive analysis of internal and external factors, identifying the main strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats; Which are listed below: (a) real estate products for housing such as houses and apartments in Metropolitan Lima must all have LEED, EDGE, Mi Vivienda Verde certification; (b) the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for advertising the real estate products of Metropolitan Lima, will increase by 140%; (c) increase the new commercial offices for co-working in 80% of the companies in Metropolitan Lima; (d) implement the blockchain in the supply chain of real estate constructions to reduce the delivery dates of real estate in pre-sale; (e) increase by 80% the construction of residential buildings in building information modeling (BIM) of the constructions in Metropolitan Lima; and (f) apply home automation / smart homes / IoT in 70% of the new real estate products for residences in Metropolitan Lima. These long-term objectives have been divided into 28 shortterm objectives that will lead progressively towards the proposed vision; and will be in constant monitoring and evaluation through the balance scorecard through its four perspectives. Initially, 25 strategies were proposed, of which 12 became retained and the other 13 remain as contingency. The support of the private company that makes up the sector will play an important role for technological change and sustainable development with society.
In this document, the Strategic Plan for the Real Estate Sector of Metropolitan Lima was prepared, with the objective of contributing and promoting the competitiveness of the sector and achieving the vision for the year 2025, consolidating the market through development of activities based on technological innovation, sustainability, and digital transformation in the real estate sector, which will allow generating value for the companies that comprise it, clients, stakeholders and society. Six long-term objectives have been formulated based on an exhaustive analysis of internal and external factors, identifying the main strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats; Which are listed below: (a) real estate products for housing such as houses and apartments in Metropolitan Lima must all have LEED, EDGE, Mi Vivienda Verde certification; (b) the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for advertising the real estate products of Metropolitan Lima, will increase by 140%; (c) increase the new commercial offices for co-working in 80% of the companies in Metropolitan Lima; (d) implement the blockchain in the supply chain of real estate constructions to reduce the delivery dates of real estate in pre-sale; (e) increase by 80% the construction of residential buildings in building information modeling (BIM) of the constructions in Metropolitan Lima; and (f) apply home automation / smart homes / IoT in 70% of the new real estate products for residences in Metropolitan Lima. These long-term objectives have been divided into 28 shortterm objectives that will lead progressively towards the proposed vision; and will be in constant monitoring and evaluation through the balance scorecard through its four perspectives. Initially, 25 strategies were proposed, of which 12 became retained and the other 13 remain as contingency. The support of the private company that makes up the sector will play an important role for technological change and sustainable development with society.