Dotaciones iniciales de salud como determinantes de las asignaciones intra-hogar en niños menores de 5 años
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las asignaciones de recursos intra-hogar que son otorgadas a los niños durante sus
primeros años de vida son fundamentales; ya que, tienen efectos persistentes en el tiempo
contribuyendo al bienestar del niño y a su posterior desarrollo en la sociedad. En ese
sentido, diversos autores como Behrman (1997), Browning, Chiappori y Weiss (2014) -
entre otros -, proponen diversos modelos que explican la manera en que se producen las
decisiones para asignar los recursos dentro del hogar y cómo estas responden a las
preferencias de los padres. Entre estas preferencias, las dotaciones iniciales de salud - que
se consideran fundamentales - determinan las asignaciones mencionadas. La presente
investigación pretende evaluar cómo las dotaciones iniciales de salud de los niños influyen
en las decisiones de asignación intra-hogar que los padres realizan durante los primeros
años de vida de los niños utilizando información de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud
Familiar (2016). Las asignaciones estudiadas son la lactancia materna exclusiva,
inmunización completa y asistencia a controles de crecimiento y desarrollo. Si bien estas
asignaciones no son las únicas que el niño recibe, la literatura médica las considera
fundamentales para contribuir al bienestar del niño y favorecer su adecuado desarrollo.
Por lo tanto, se propone que los niños que nacen con una menor dotación inicial o bajo peso
al nacer (peso inferior a 2.5 kilogramos) son menos propensos a recibir estas asignaciones
en comparación con aquellos que nacen con una dotación inicial mayor. Esta probabilidad
es estimada a través de un modelo logit para cada una de las asignaciones descritas,
encontrando que en efecto los niños que nacen con una dotación inicial baja tienen menores
probabilidades de recibir inmunización completa, así como también a asistir a sus controles
de crecimiento y desarrollo; no obstante, ello no ocurre con la lactancia exclusiva. A partir
de estos resultados, se busca destacar la importancia de los chequeos prenatales, el cuidado
materno durante el embarazo, el parto asistido y otro tipo de intervenciones que
contribuyen a reducir el riesgo de que se produzcan nacimientos de niños con dotaciones
iniciales de salud inferiores al umbral considerado como normal o alto.
The intrahousehold allocations that are granted to children during their first years of life are important because of their persistent effects over time, contributing to the well-being of the child and its subsequent development in society. Therefore, several authors such as Behrman (1997), Browning, Chiappori and Weiss (2014) -among others- propose different models that explain the way the decisions to allocate resources, which occur within the households, respond to the preferences of the parents. Among them, the initial health endowments -which are considered fundamental- determine the aforementioned allocations. The following paper aims to evaluate how the initial health endowments of children influence the intra-household allocation decisions made by parents during their early life, using the information from Encuesta Nacional Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (2016). The allocations analized are exclusive breastfeeding, complete immunization and assistance to growth and development checks. Although these allocations are not the only ones received by children, the medical literature considers they are fundamental on the contribution of children’s well-being and favor their adequate development. Hence, it is proposed that children born with a lower initial endowment or low birth weight (weight less than 2.5 kilograms) are less likely to receive these allocations than those born with a higher initial endowment. Such probability is estimated through a logit model for each of the described allocations, showing that children born with a low initial endowment have a lower probability to receive a timely immunization, as well as to attend to their growth and development controls; however, this does not occur with exclusive breastfeeding. Based on our results, we aim to highlight the importance of prenatal checkups assistance, mother pregnant care, assisted delivery and other kind of early interventions that contributes to reduce the risk of births with initial health endowments below the threshold considered as normal or high.
The intrahousehold allocations that are granted to children during their first years of life are important because of their persistent effects over time, contributing to the well-being of the child and its subsequent development in society. Therefore, several authors such as Behrman (1997), Browning, Chiappori and Weiss (2014) -among others- propose different models that explain the way the decisions to allocate resources, which occur within the households, respond to the preferences of the parents. Among them, the initial health endowments -which are considered fundamental- determine the aforementioned allocations. The following paper aims to evaluate how the initial health endowments of children influence the intra-household allocation decisions made by parents during their early life, using the information from Encuesta Nacional Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (2016). The allocations analized are exclusive breastfeeding, complete immunization and assistance to growth and development checks. Although these allocations are not the only ones received by children, the medical literature considers they are fundamental on the contribution of children’s well-being and favor their adequate development. Hence, it is proposed that children born with a lower initial endowment or low birth weight (weight less than 2.5 kilograms) are less likely to receive these allocations than those born with a higher initial endowment. Such probability is estimated through a logit model for each of the described allocations, showing that children born with a low initial endowment have a lower probability to receive a timely immunization, as well as to attend to their growth and development controls; however, this does not occur with exclusive breastfeeding. Based on our results, we aim to highlight the importance of prenatal checkups assistance, mother pregnant care, assisted delivery and other kind of early interventions that contributes to reduce the risk of births with initial health endowments below the threshold considered as normal or high.
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