Business consulting - empresa Derteano & Stucker. Propuesta de mejora en la rotación de inventarios en la Empresa Derteano & Stucker
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Derteano & Stucker es una corporación con más de 85 años operando en el mercado nacional, dedicada a la comercialización de equipos, bienes de capital, insumos y servicios para los sectores minería, industrial, manufactura, agroindustria, construcción, energía, gas y petróleo, comercial y productivo. Ofrece soluciones eficientes, innovadoras y de calidad a través de sus socios y proveedores de importantes marcas industriales a nivel mundial.
El objetivo principal de la consultoría fue identificar los principales problemas dentro de la empresa, el mismo que se realizó mediante la Matriz FODA, identificando tres problemas (a) exceso de inventario; (b) exceso de liquidez; y (c) falta de un estudio de mercado; posteriormente con ayuda de la matriz de priorización de problemas, se definió el exceso de inventario como el problema principal, el cual tiene su origen a una política de la empresa por mantener stock constante del total de productos en todos los puntos de ventas, sin contar con las herramientas informáticas para una correcta planificación de las compras y sin proyecciones de ventas que sirvan como base para el abastecimiento.
Para solucionar el problema principal, a través de la herramienta causa-efecto, el análisis interno y externo, así como de la literatura revisada, se encontraron dos alternativas de solución: 1) determinar listado de artículos controlados e implementar herramientas de abastecimiento, y 2) rediseño de canales de distribución, ambas alternativas enfocadas a la liberación de capital de trabajo mediante la reducción de inventario de artículos controlados y de artículos no controlados sin movimiento.
Derteano & Stucker is a corporation with more than 85 years operating in the national market, dedicated to the commercialization of equipment, capital goods, supplies and services for the economic sector such as mining, industrial, manufacturing, agro-industry, construction, energy, gas and oil, commercial and productive. It offers efficient, innovative and high quality solutions through its partners and suppliers of important industrial brands worldwide. The main objective of the consultancy was to identify the main problems within the company, which were found out through the SWOT Matrix, identifying three problems (a) excess of inventory; (b) excess of liquidity; and (c) lack of a market research; afterwards, with the help of the problem prioritization matrix, excess of inventory was defined as the main problem, which has its origin in a company policy to maintain a constant stock of total products at all points of sale, not counting with the computer tools for a correct planning of the purchases and without sales projections that serve as a basis for the supply. To solve the main problem, through the cause-effect tool, the internal and external analysis, as well as the reviewed literature, two solution alternatives were found: 1) determine the list of controlled item s and implement supply tools, and 2 ) redesign of distribution channels, both alternatives focused on freeing up working capital by reducing inventory of controlled items and non-controlled items without movement.
Derteano & Stucker is a corporation with more than 85 years operating in the national market, dedicated to the commercialization of equipment, capital goods, supplies and services for the economic sector such as mining, industrial, manufacturing, agro-industry, construction, energy, gas and oil, commercial and productive. It offers efficient, innovative and high quality solutions through its partners and suppliers of important industrial brands worldwide. The main objective of the consultancy was to identify the main problems within the company, which were found out through the SWOT Matrix, identifying three problems (a) excess of inventory; (b) excess of liquidity; and (c) lack of a market research; afterwards, with the help of the problem prioritization matrix, excess of inventory was defined as the main problem, which has its origin in a company policy to maintain a constant stock of total products at all points of sale, not counting with the computer tools for a correct planning of the purchases and without sales projections that serve as a basis for the supply. To solve the main problem, through the cause-effect tool, the internal and external analysis, as well as the reviewed literature, two solution alternatives were found: 1) determine the list of controlled item s and implement supply tools, and 2 ) redesign of distribution channels, both alternatives focused on freeing up working capital by reducing inventory of controlled items and non-controlled items without movement.