Modelo ProLab: Reciplus, un servicio sostenible basado en la recolección y transformación de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) para su venta como ecoagregados
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar una solución innovadora, sostenible y
alternativa que disminuya la contaminación ambiental generada por los residuos sólidos de
construcción y demolición, generados por empresas constructoras que, debido a los altos
costos para una disposición formal y certificada, optan por la entrega de sus desmontes al
sector informal que, genera tasas alarmantes de contaminación en el Perú.
La solución planteada por Reciplus, busca brindar una disposición de residuos
ambientalmente certificada y a costos competitivos, debido a que, se reutilizará estos residuos
para la fabricación de agregados, para su posterior venta con el sello de eco-amigable. Este
proyecto creará un impacto social positivo atendiendo la ODS 11 Ciudades y Comunidades
El modelo de negocio de Reciplus, es una iniciativa que promueve la economía
circular y que muestra resultados financieros favorables en su estimación inicial de cinco
años; ya que con una inversión inicial de sus accionistas de S/266,000 generará un VAN de
S/1,450,491, una TIR de 47% y un VAN Social de S/. 1,532,808, soportado con un
crecimiento sostenido en sus ventas.
The objective of this work is to show an innovative, sustainable and alternative solution that reduces the environmental pollution generated by solid construction and demolition waste, generated by construction companies that, due to the high costs for a formal and certified disposal, opt for the delivery of its clearings to the informal sector that generates alarming rates of contamination in Peru. The solution proposed by Reciplus seeks to provide environmentally certified waste disposal at competitive costs, because this waste will be reused for the manufacture of aggregates, for subsequent sale with the eco-friendly seal. This project will create a positive social impact by addressing SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. The Reciplus business model is an initiative that promotes the circular economy and that shows favorable financial results in its initial estimate of five years; since with an initial investment of its shareholders of S/266,000 it will generate a NPV of S/1,450,491, an IRR of 47% and a Social NPV of S/. 1,532,808, supported by sustained growth in sales.
The objective of this work is to show an innovative, sustainable and alternative solution that reduces the environmental pollution generated by solid construction and demolition waste, generated by construction companies that, due to the high costs for a formal and certified disposal, opt for the delivery of its clearings to the informal sector that generates alarming rates of contamination in Peru. The solution proposed by Reciplus seeks to provide environmentally certified waste disposal at competitive costs, because this waste will be reused for the manufacture of aggregates, for subsequent sale with the eco-friendly seal. This project will create a positive social impact by addressing SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. The Reciplus business model is an initiative that promotes the circular economy and that shows favorable financial results in its initial estimate of five years; since with an initial investment of its shareholders of S/266,000 it will generate a NPV of S/1,450,491, an IRR of 47% and a Social NPV of S/. 1,532,808, supported by sustained growth in sales.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo sostenible--Empresas--Perú, Residuos de construcción y demolición--Perú, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles
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