Bicho Raro : la relevancia del periodismo científico en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El periodismo científico ha cobrado mayor relevancia en todo el mundo debido al contexto de
la pandemia de la COVID-19. Este panorama evidencia el precario, insuficiente y, en
ocasiones, incomprensible rol de los medios de comunicación en la cobertura de noticias de
ciencia. Por ello, la presente investigación indaga en los orígenes del periodismo científico, sus
características principales y los protagonistas de esta especialización que, aunque ha cobrado
mayor importancia en los últimos años, todavía mantiene vicios como la falta de
profundización, verificación, amplitud de fuentes y la utilización de un lenguaje sencillo. El
trabajo explora las bases del periodismo científico, las cualidades que deben de tener estos
profesionales y la necesidad de crear puentes con la comunidad científica para una apropiada
divulgación. En ese sentido, la investigación propone el nacimiento del proyecto periodístico:
“Bicho Raro: escarbando en la ciencia”, una plataforma especializada en periodismo científico
que cubre temas de salud, medio ambiente y tecnología, como una posible solución para
contrarrestar la escasa cobertura noticiosa de dichos tópicos en el Perú.
Science journalism has become more relevant around the world due to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This panorama shows the precarious, insufficient and, at times, incomprehensible role of the media in the coverage of scientific news. For this reason, the present investigation searches the origins of scientific journalism, its main characteristics and the protagonists of this specialization that, although it has gained greater importance in recent years, still maintains vices such as the lack of depth, verification, breadth of sources and the use of simple language. The work explores the foundations of science journalism, the qualities that these professionals must have and the need to create bridges with the scientific community for proper dissemination. In this sense, the investigation proposes the birth of the journalistic project: “Bicho Raro: escarbando en la ciencia”, a platform specialized in scientific journalism that covers health, environment and technology issues, as a possible solution to counteract the scarce news coverage of these topics in Peru.
Science journalism has become more relevant around the world due to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This panorama shows the precarious, insufficient and, at times, incomprehensible role of the media in the coverage of scientific news. For this reason, the present investigation searches the origins of scientific journalism, its main characteristics and the protagonists of this specialization that, although it has gained greater importance in recent years, still maintains vices such as the lack of depth, verification, breadth of sources and the use of simple language. The work explores the foundations of science journalism, the qualities that these professionals must have and the need to create bridges with the scientific community for proper dissemination. In this sense, the investigation proposes the birth of the journalistic project: “Bicho Raro: escarbando en la ciencia”, a platform specialized in scientific journalism that covers health, environment and technology issues, as a possible solution to counteract the scarce news coverage of these topics in Peru.
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