Las competencias que la docente desarrolla en el uso de recursos digitales en un aula de 4 años de una Institución Educativa Pública de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El uso de recursos digitales en el aspecto educativo está cobrando mayor relevancia
en los últimos años, es por ello que la presente investigación ha sido elaborada a fin
de conocer las competencias digitales que desarrollan las docentes para
seleccionar, modificar y crear recursos digitales educativos. El objetivo general de
esta investigación es Analizar las competencias digitales que desarrolla la docente
del aula de 4 años para el uso de recursos digitales en una Institución Educativa
Pública de Lima Metropolitana, siendo los objetivos específicos describir las
competencias que la docente posee en la selección, modificación y creación de
recursos digitales. El diseño metodológico es cualitativo de nivel descriptivo, a través
del método de estudio de caso que tiene como informante a una docente de un aula
de 4 años de una Institución Educativa Pública. Las técnicas aplicadas para el
procesamiento de análisis es la entrevista semiestructurada y la observación no
participante, para los cuales se utilizó los siguientes instrumentos: una guía de
entrevista y un cuaderno de campo respectivamente. Entre los resultados obtenidos
se demuestra que la docente conoce y ejecuta las competencias digitales para
seleccionar, modificar y crear recursos digitales, sin embargo, en la práctica docente
se ha evidenciado que se requiere también, de otras habilidades como el
conocimiento de reglas de plagio, edición de videos, etc. Por lo que, las conclusiones
a las que se arriba con esta tesis, se sintetiza en que es de vital importancia que los
docentes desarrollen competencias digitales, pues al ser mediadoras y guías durante
el proceso de enseñanza, la selección, modificación y creación de los recursos
digitales depende de los criterios que ellos consideren. Finalmente, se recomienda
promover la selección, modificación y creación de recursos digitales bajo criterios de
evaluación, ya que esto permitirá aplicar estas competencias de la mejor manera.
The use of digital resources in the educational aspect is becoming more relevant in recent years, which is why this research has been prepared in order to know the digital skills that teachers develop to select, modify and create educational digital resources. The general objective of this research is to analyze the digital competences that the 4-year-old classroom teacher develops for the use of digital resources in a Public Educational Institution of Metropolitan Lima, with the specific objectives being to describe the competences that the teacher possesses in the selection. modification and creation of digital resources. The methodological design is qualitative at a descriptive level, through the case study method that has as informant a teacher of a 4-year-old classroom of a Public Educational Institution. The techniques applied for analysis processing are the semi-structured interview and nonparticipant observation, for which the following instruments were used: an interview guide and a field notebook respectively. Among the results obtained, it is shown that the teacher knows and executes the digital competences to select, modify and create digital resources, however, in teaching practice it has been shown that other skills are also required, such as knowledge of plagiarism rules, video editing etc Therefore, the conclusions reached with this thesis are synthesized in that it is vitally important that teachers develop digital skills, since they are mediators and guides during the teaching process, the selection. , modification and creation of digital resources depend on the criteria that they consider. Finally, it is recommended to promote the selection, modification and creation of digital resources under evaluation criteria, since this will allow applying these skills in the best way.
The use of digital resources in the educational aspect is becoming more relevant in recent years, which is why this research has been prepared in order to know the digital skills that teachers develop to select, modify and create educational digital resources. The general objective of this research is to analyze the digital competences that the 4-year-old classroom teacher develops for the use of digital resources in a Public Educational Institution of Metropolitan Lima, with the specific objectives being to describe the competences that the teacher possesses in the selection. modification and creation of digital resources. The methodological design is qualitative at a descriptive level, through the case study method that has as informant a teacher of a 4-year-old classroom of a Public Educational Institution. The techniques applied for analysis processing are the semi-structured interview and nonparticipant observation, for which the following instruments were used: an interview guide and a field notebook respectively. Among the results obtained, it is shown that the teacher knows and executes the digital competences to select, modify and create digital resources, however, in teaching practice it has been shown that other skills are also required, such as knowledge of plagiarism rules, video editing etc Therefore, the conclusions reached with this thesis are synthesized in that it is vitally important that teachers develop digital skills, since they are mediators and guides during the teaching process, the selection. , modification and creation of digital resources depend on the criteria that they consider. Finally, it is recommended to promote the selection, modification and creation of digital resources under evaluation criteria, since this will allow applying these skills in the best way.
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