Razonamiento correlacional en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar y describir las características principales del
razonamiento correlacional en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima.
Para esto, se contó con la participación de 36 alumnos de décimo ciclo de formación, con
edades entre 20 y 25 años. Se realizó una evaluación de este razonamiento por medio de dos
estrategias: i) primero, evaluaciones colectivas (n=36), realizadas utilizando un protocolo de
lápiz y papel que incluyó dos tareas de razonamiento correlacional y una tarea de análisis de
un cuadro de resultados de correlación en SPSS; ii) segundo, evaluaciones utilizando el método
clínico-crítico de Jean Piaget (n=9), que incluyeron 6 tareas con las que este autor y su
colaboradora Inhelder investigaron la formación del esquema operatorio formal de correlación.
Los resultados muestran que los participantes, como estrategia principal de análisis de
asociaciones entre variables, tienden a subdividir la muestra que se les presenta en función de
una de las variables, para luego comparar las tendencias de la segunda variable al interior de
cada subgrupo. Se observa que esta estrategia es útil ante muestras paradigmáticas, pero resulta
insuficiente y lleva a errores lógicos cuando la tarea se complejiza.
The aim of this research is to identify and describe the main characteristics of correlational reasoning in psychology students from a private university in Lima. For this purpose, 36 students in their tenth semester, aged between 20 and 25 years old, participated. Correlational reasoning was assessed using two strategies: i) firstly, collective assessments (n=36) were conducted using a pen-and-paper protocol that included two tasks of correlational reasoning and an analysis task of a correlation results chart in SPSS; ii) secondly, assessments were carried out using Jean Piaget's clinical-critical method (n=9), which included 6 tasks used by Piaget and his collaborator Inhelder to investigate the formation of the formal operational schema of correlation. The results show that participants, as the main strategy for analyzing associations between variables, tend to subdivide the sample presented to them based on one of the variables, and then compare the trends of the second variable within each subgroup. It is observed that this strategy is useful with paradigmatic samples but proves insufficient and leads to logical errors when the task becomes more complex.
The aim of this research is to identify and describe the main characteristics of correlational reasoning in psychology students from a private university in Lima. For this purpose, 36 students in their tenth semester, aged between 20 and 25 years old, participated. Correlational reasoning was assessed using two strategies: i) firstly, collective assessments (n=36) were conducted using a pen-and-paper protocol that included two tasks of correlational reasoning and an analysis task of a correlation results chart in SPSS; ii) secondly, assessments were carried out using Jean Piaget's clinical-critical method (n=9), which included 6 tasks used by Piaget and his collaborator Inhelder to investigate the formation of the formal operational schema of correlation. The results show that participants, as the main strategy for analyzing associations between variables, tend to subdivide the sample presented to them based on one of the variables, and then compare the trends of the second variable within each subgroup. It is observed that this strategy is useful with paradigmatic samples but proves insufficient and leads to logical errors when the task becomes more complex.
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