Estudio de caso de un niño de 2º grado de primaria con dificultad en los procesos perceptivos - léxicos de la lectura y léxicos ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La intervención frente a las dificultades para leer o escribir debe considerar los antecedentes diagnósticos
del individuo, las habilidades afectadas que subyacen a sus dificultades y la determinación de los procesos
de lectura y escritura implicados. Las dificultades en las habilidades fonológicas impactan en la
recuperación precisa y ordenada de los fonemas - grafemas que corresponden a una palabra, esto dificulta
el almacenamiento y acceso visual a dicha palabra, afectando la precisión, la velocidad que se emplea para
leer o escribir. El presente estudio de caso desarrolla un programa de intervención en las áreas de lectura
y escritura, para un niño de segundo grado de primaria con dificultades en los procesos léxicos de la lectura
y léxicos ortográficos de la escritura. Los resultados de la intervención evidencian que el logro del
conocimiento alfabético, de las reglas de conversión grafema – fonema, fonema - grafema y el incremento
de las habilidades fonológicas; impactan directamente en la precisión para leer y escribir; por otro lado, la
exposición repetitiva a determinadas palabras, asociadas a estímulos visuales no tuvo el impacto esperado
a nivel de velocidad en la lectoescritura. Por lo que se concluye que, si bien, el plan de intervención aplicado
logra avances en los procesos léxicos de lectura y escritura; frente a la sospecha de comorbilidades a nivel
de atención y lenguaje, se requiere de una intervención más intensiva, a
Intervention for reading or writing difficulties should consider the individual's diagnostic history, the affected skills that underlie their difficulties, and the determination of the reading and writing processes involved. Difficulties in phonological skills impact on the precise and orderly recovery of phonemes - graphemes that correspond to a word, this hinders the storage and visual access to said word, affecting the precision, the speed that is used to read or write. The present case study develops an intervention program in the areas of reading and writing, for a second grade primary school child with difficulties in the lexical processes of reading and the lexical spelling of writing. The results of the intervention show that the achievement of alphabetic knowledge, of the grapheme - phoneme, phoneme - grapheme conversion rules and the increase of phonological skills; directly impact the accuracy of reading and writing; on the other hand, repetitive exposure to certain words, associated with visual stimuli, did not have the expected impact at the level of speed on reading and writing. Therefore, it is concluded that, although the applied intervention plan achieves progress in the lexical processes of reading and writing; Faced with the suspicion of comorbidities at the level of attention and language, a more intensive intervention is required, at the level of time, strategies used and participating professionals; to ensure better results.
Intervention for reading or writing difficulties should consider the individual's diagnostic history, the affected skills that underlie their difficulties, and the determination of the reading and writing processes involved. Difficulties in phonological skills impact on the precise and orderly recovery of phonemes - graphemes that correspond to a word, this hinders the storage and visual access to said word, affecting the precision, the speed that is used to read or write. The present case study develops an intervention program in the areas of reading and writing, for a second grade primary school child with difficulties in the lexical processes of reading and the lexical spelling of writing. The results of the intervention show that the achievement of alphabetic knowledge, of the grapheme - phoneme, phoneme - grapheme conversion rules and the increase of phonological skills; directly impact the accuracy of reading and writing; on the other hand, repetitive exposure to certain words, associated with visual stimuli, did not have the expected impact at the level of speed on reading and writing. Therefore, it is concluded that, although the applied intervention plan achieves progress in the lexical processes of reading and writing; Faced with the suspicion of comorbidities at the level of attention and language, a more intensive intervention is required, at the level of time, strategies used and participating professionals; to ensure better results.