¿Dónde están los restos óseos humanos del Periodo Pleistoceno Tardío? Problemas y perspectivas en la búsqueda de los primeros americanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En Sudamérica se conocen pocos restos óseos humanos confiables que supuestamente pertenecieron al Pleistoceno Tardío (antes de 10.000 A.P.). Todos ellos tienen problemas de contexto, asociación y/o fechado radiocarbónico. Lo mismo ocurre con el registro humano temprano de Norteamérica. Este problema se discute en términos de 1) visibilidad arqueológica y muestreo, 2) tendencias de estudio variables que afectan el registro, 3) patrones funerarios de los grupos de cazadores-recolectores tempranos que eluden el estudio arqueológico, y 4) soluciones posibles para resolver el problema.
Where are the Late Pleistocene Human Remains? Problems and Perspectives in the Search for the First AmericansVery few, if any, reliable human skeletal remains have been recovered for the late Pleistocene period (before 10.000 B. P.) in South America. They all have problems of context, association, and/or radiocarbon dating. The same is true for the early human record in North America. This dilemma is discussed in terms of 1) archaeological visibility and sampling, 2) other biases affecting the record, 3) mortuary patterns of early hunter-gatherers groups that elude archaeological discovery, and 4) possible solutions to resolve the problem.
Where are the Late Pleistocene Human Remains? Problems and Perspectives in the Search for the First AmericansVery few, if any, reliable human skeletal remains have been recovered for the late Pleistocene period (before 10.000 B. P.) in South America. They all have problems of context, association, and/or radiocarbon dating. The same is true for the early human record in North America. This dilemma is discussed in terms of 1) archaeological visibility and sampling, 2) other biases affecting the record, 3) mortuary patterns of early hunter-gatherers groups that elude archaeological discovery, and 4) possible solutions to resolve the problem.
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