Estrategias para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en el 2do grado de primaria en un contexto de educación virtual en una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación identifica, describe y analiza las estrategias de enseñanza que
utiliza la docente para fomentar la comprensión lectora en el 2° de primaria. Para ello, se
realiza una investigación a nivel descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo con el objetivo general de
analizar estrategias para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en el 2do grado de primaria
en un contexto de educación virtual en una institución educativa pública de Lima
Metropolitana. En la investigación se utilizan el instrumento de observación y el instrumento
de entrevista, los cuales permiten recabar información sobre las estrategias que conoce la
docente y las estrategias que emplea en el desarrollo de sus clases. Después, de realizar el
análisis de datos y la triangulación de la información se obtuvo como resultado más resaltante
que la docente debe utilizar estrategias de comprensión lectora que promuevan la
participación activa de los estudiantes. También, se evidenció que condiciones como la
conectividad a internet afectan en el desarrollo de las estrategias de comprensión lectora, ya
que los estudiantes al no estar presente en la clase sincrónica pierden la oportunidad de
participar. Si el estudiante participara en la sesión sincrónica podría beneficiarse de las
estrategias que utiliza la docente y recibir retroalimentación de su avance en el logro de la
comprensión lectora.
This research identifies, describes and analyzes the teaching strategies used by the teacher to promote reading comprehension in the 2nd grade of primary school. To do this, descriptive research with a qualitative approach is carried out with the general objective of analyzing strategies for the development of reading comprehension in the 2nd grade of primary school in a context of virtual education in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. In the investigation, the observation instrument and the interview instrument are used, which allow gathering information on the strategies that the teacher knows and the strategies that she uses in the development of her classes. After performing the data analysis and the triangulation of the information, the most outstanding result was obtained that the teacher must use reading comprehension strategies that promote the active participation of the students. Also, it was evidenced that conditions such as internet connectivity affect the development of reading comprehension strategies, since students, by not being present in the synchronous class, lose the opportunity to participate. If the student participated in the synchronous session, they could benefit from the strategies used by the teacher and receive feedback on their progress in achieving reading comprehension.
This research identifies, describes and analyzes the teaching strategies used by the teacher to promote reading comprehension in the 2nd grade of primary school. To do this, descriptive research with a qualitative approach is carried out with the general objective of analyzing strategies for the development of reading comprehension in the 2nd grade of primary school in a context of virtual education in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. In the investigation, the observation instrument and the interview instrument are used, which allow gathering information on the strategies that the teacher knows and the strategies that she uses in the development of her classes. After performing the data analysis and the triangulation of the information, the most outstanding result was obtained that the teacher must use reading comprehension strategies that promote the active participation of the students. Also, it was evidenced that conditions such as internet connectivity affect the development of reading comprehension strategies, since students, by not being present in the synchronous class, lose the opportunity to participate. If the student participated in the synchronous session, they could benefit from the strategies used by the teacher and receive feedback on their progress in achieving reading comprehension.