Modelo prolab: Propuesta de lanzamiento al mercado peruano de Wiñay, bebida no láctea a base de tarwi, quinua y kiwicha
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En América Latina la prevalencia de la intolerancia a la lactosa es alta, toda vez que en
Colombia, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay, más del 50% de su población padece de esta condición.
Según fuentes existentes, en el Perú el 80% de su población podría ser intolerante a la lactosa,
lo cual genera desórdenes gastrointestinales y dificulta la absorción de nutrientes.
A través de los años han surgido alternativas a la leche, siendo estas las bebidas de origen
vegetal y leche sin lactosa o descremada. Uno de los mayores problemas que presentan las
bebidas de origen vegetal es que no alcanzan un valor nutricional equiparable a la leche de
vaca. En relación a la leche sin lactosa o descremada, esta alternativa presenta un mayor
costo. En ese sentido, un problema social relevante es la inexistencia de un sustituto idóneo a
la leche de vaca, tanto en el valor nutricional como en el precio del mismo.
Ante el problema identificado, se plantea como una solución la elaboración de una leche
vegetal hecha en base a tarwi, quinua y kiwicha. El impacto social generado, está enfocado
desde dos perspectivas, en primer lugar, esta bebida será una alternativa para aquellos
quienes buscan un valor nutricional equiparable al de la leche, a un precio óptimo y sin
complicaciones por su consumo. En segundo lugar, se realizarán alianzas con comunidades
andinas, lo cual conllevará a un crecimiento económico local. Asimismo, el modelo de
negocio es socialmente sostenible, considerando que se encuentra alineado con los Objetivos
de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) dos, seis, ocho y doce. En lo relacionado al resultado
económico, se espera obtener un valor actual neto (VAN) aproximado de S/. 6'894,779.14
durante un período de cinco años.
In Latin America lactose intolerance has a high prevalence, in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, more than 50% of the population suffers from this condition. According to existing sources, in Peru 80% of its population could be lactose intolerant, which generates gastrointestinal disorders and hinders the absorption of nutrients. Over the years, milk alternatives have emerged, these being vegetable milk, lactose-free or skim milk. One of the biggest problems with plant-based milk is that it fails to achieve a nutritional value comparable to cow's milk. Concerning lactose free or skimmed milk, this alternative has a higher cost. In this sense, a relevant social problem is the lack of an ideal substitute for cow's milk, both in terms of nutritional value and price. Given the problem identified, the development of a vegetable milk made from tarwi, quinua and kiwicha is proposed as a solution. The social impact generated is focused from two perspectives, firstly, this drink will be an alternative for those who seek a nutritional value comparable to that of milk, at an optimal price and complications due to its consumption. Second, alliances are going to be signed with Andean communities, which would lead to local economic growth. Likewise, the business model is socially sustainable considering that it is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) two, six, eight and twelve. Regarding the economic result, it is expected to obtain an approximate net present value (NPV) of S/. 6'894,779.14 in five years.
In Latin America lactose intolerance has a high prevalence, in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, more than 50% of the population suffers from this condition. According to existing sources, in Peru 80% of its population could be lactose intolerant, which generates gastrointestinal disorders and hinders the absorption of nutrients. Over the years, milk alternatives have emerged, these being vegetable milk, lactose-free or skim milk. One of the biggest problems with plant-based milk is that it fails to achieve a nutritional value comparable to cow's milk. Concerning lactose free or skimmed milk, this alternative has a higher cost. In this sense, a relevant social problem is the lack of an ideal substitute for cow's milk, both in terms of nutritional value and price. Given the problem identified, the development of a vegetable milk made from tarwi, quinua and kiwicha is proposed as a solution. The social impact generated is focused from two perspectives, firstly, this drink will be an alternative for those who seek a nutritional value comparable to that of milk, at an optimal price and complications due to its consumption. Second, alliances are going to be signed with Andean communities, which would lead to local economic growth. Likewise, the business model is socially sustainable considering that it is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) two, six, eight and twelve. Regarding the economic result, it is expected to obtain an approximate net present value (NPV) of S/. 6'894,779.14 in five years.
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