Reporte de consultoría en una empresa del sector de comercio electrónico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde los años 90, en que iniciara el boom de las .com, se planteaba entre las
posibilidades infinitas que ofrecía la popularización del internet el ser capaz de comprar a
distancia y en tiempo real, a diferencia de otros métodos de compra y venta populares en esos
años como las ventas por catálogo o vía telefónica a través de infomerciales. Este flujo
requería, no obstante, altos niveles de especialización y seguridad para evitar fraudes y robos.
Una empresa peruana notó esta oportunidad de negocio y se convirtió en pionera brindando
servicios de autenticación (Asegurar la identidad del comprador y proteger sus datos
sensibles) y de pasarela de pagos no solo a nivel nacional, sino regional en Latinoamérica.
No obstante, con su experiencia y participación de mercado asegurados, la empresa
está enfrentando desafíos frente a cambios dinámicos a nivel tecnológico que abren las
puertas a otros competidores y exigen un tiempo de respuesta más rápido, usando marcos de
trabajo más ágiles que ha empezado a implementar internamente pero aún tienen puntos de
mejora. En la presente consultoría, se detecta que la compañía puede mejorar su modelo de
gestión reutilizando sus recursos actuales (Un jefe de proyecto y un analista asignado por
historia de usuario, además de una licencia Standard de Jira de $700 al año que permite hasta
20,000 usuarios) para obtener una eficiencia en costo de jornadas laborales de 76% en el
primer sprint (16 días) después de implementarse el nuevo modelo sugerido.
Since the 90s, when the .com boom started, it was considered between the infinite possibilites offered by the popularity of the internet to be able to buy at distance and in real time, on the contrary of other popular buy and sale methods back then like the catalogues or with phone calls through infommercials. This flow needed, however, high levels of specialty and security to avoid fraud and thefts. A Peruvian company noticed this business opportunity and became a pioneer providing authentication services (To ensure the identity of the buyer protecting their sensitive data) and payment gateway not only at national level, but also regional in Latin America. However, with their secured experience and marketshare, the company is facing challenges in front of the dynamic changes at technological level which open the doors to new competitors and require a faster response time, using more agile frameworks that they have started to internally implement, but still have improvement points. On the following consulting report, it has been detected that the company can improve its management model reusing its present resources (A Project manager and an analyst assigned per user story, aside of a Standard license of Jira for $700 per year, which allows until 20,000 users) to obtain a cost efficiency in workday of 76% on the first sprint (16 days) after implementing the new suggested model.
Since the 90s, when the .com boom started, it was considered between the infinite possibilites offered by the popularity of the internet to be able to buy at distance and in real time, on the contrary of other popular buy and sale methods back then like the catalogues or with phone calls through infommercials. This flow needed, however, high levels of specialty and security to avoid fraud and thefts. A Peruvian company noticed this business opportunity and became a pioneer providing authentication services (To ensure the identity of the buyer protecting their sensitive data) and payment gateway not only at national level, but also regional in Latin America. However, with their secured experience and marketshare, the company is facing challenges in front of the dynamic changes at technological level which open the doors to new competitors and require a faster response time, using more agile frameworks that they have started to internally implement, but still have improvement points. On the following consulting report, it has been detected that the company can improve its management model reusing its present resources (A Project manager and an analyst assigned per user story, aside of a Standard license of Jira for $700 per year, which allows until 20,000 users) to obtain a cost efficiency in workday of 76% on the first sprint (16 days) after implementing the new suggested model.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Comercio electrónico--Perú, Servicios digitales, Innovaciones tecnológicas--Administración
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