Factores que inciden en la implementación del "Programa de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de Ciudadanía (PESCC)" en los colegios públicos del municipio de Guateque (Boyacá- Colombia)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación ha identificado los factores que favorecen o dificultan la
implementación del Programa de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de
la Ciudadanía (PESCC) en los colegios públicos del municipio de Guateque
(Boyacá, Colombia), partiendo del supuesto de que la institucionalidad de una
política o programa, es un componente de carácter trasversal cuyo estudio
contribuye a lograr mayor eficacia y eficiencia en la gestión de las políticas
sociales. Las políticas atraviesan un ciclo y tienen un conjunto de componentes,
en la base de todo ello, se encuentra la institucionalidad que la gestiona e
implementa, y constituye un elemento clave para su funcionamiento, en la medida
que es su soporte.
Esta institucionalidad posee una lógica y características propias y es también
susceptible de constituirse en campo de análisis (Tovar, 2013). Los aspectos
relativos a la base institucional de las políticas sociales inciden fuertemente en el
performance (operacionalización) y en la eficacia de sus resultados, por ello, la
importancia de mirar los problemas de procesamiento institucional de las políticas,
identificar las dificultades o cuellos de botella organizacionales, así como los
aciertos y posibilidades.
Para la efectiva y eficaz implementación del PESCC, el Ministerio de Educación
de Colombia (MEN) y el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA)
han diseñado una ruta pedagógica y operativa para que las comunidades
educativas desarrollen sus Proyectos Pedagógicos de Educación para la
Sexualidad a través de cuatro componentes que buscan transformar las
instituciones educativas a partir de un sistema constante de evaluación y
monitoreo: 1). Gestión Institucional, 2). Producción pedagógica, 3). Formación
permanente y 4). Gestión para la sostenibilidad. A partir del análisis del
comportamiento de estos factores claves en las Instituciones Educativas
seleccionadas se estableció aquellos componentes institucionales que permiten o
dificultan la implementación del PESCC en estas comunidades educativas.
Los resultados de esta investigación indican como factores favorables para la
implementación del PESCC la constitución de la mesa de trabajo o comité
institucional en cada plantel educativo, lo que ha permitido el diseño de la matriz
pedagógica del proyecto, y por lo tanto, algunos avances en el componente de
gestión institucional, primer paso para la efectiva implementación del proyecto; por
el contrario, la falta de participación por parte de la comunidad educativa en el
diseño e implementación de los contenidos y metodologías a desarrollar, así como
la debilidad en cuanto a la formación permanente de los docentes y por lo tanto
en la gestión de la información y el conocimiento, y en el desarrollo de capacidades
institucionales se convierten en los factores que dificultan la implementación del
PESCC en estas instituciones.
Los hallazgos suman nuevos aportes para la efectiva implementación de
proyectos de educación sexual para adolescentes, que trabajen en una
conceptualización equilibrada de la sexualidad, fomenten la participación de todos
los actores vinculados y consoliden un equipo profesional con la formación
pertinente en lo metodológico y conceptual, de tal forma que sea capaz de diseñar
e implementar nuevas construcciones conceptuales y metodológicas e
instrumentos de intervención. El diseño del marco lógico del proyecto en cada
institución, así como la aplicación del enfoque de desarrollo de capacidades son
una forma efectiva de implementar el PESCC, alcanzar resultados deseados a
través del tiempo y por lo tanto crear valor social dentro de las instituciones
This research study has identified the factors that benefit or obstruct the implementation of the Education for Sexuality and Construction of Citizenship Project (PESCC) in public schools in Guateque town (Boyacá, Colombia), based on the assumption that the institutionality of a policy or program is a cross-cutting component whose study contributes to greater efficiency and effectiveness in the management of social policies. These policies go through a cycle and have a set of components. In the core of all of this, there is the institutionality that manages and implements itself, and at the same time it constitutes a key element for its operation, insofar as it is its support. This institutionality has its own logic and characteristics and also vulnerable of composing a field of analysis (Tovar, 2013). The aspects related to the institutional foundation of social policies have a strong influence on the performance (operationalization) and on the effectiveness of its results; therefore, the relevance of observing at the problems of institutional processing of policies, identifying the difficulties or “bottlenecks” in terms of the organization, as well as the successes and possibilities. For the effective and efficiency implementation of the PESCC, the Colombian Ministry of Education and UNFPA (in English ; United Nations Fund for Population Activities and in Spanish el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas ,) have designed a pedagogical and working path for educational communities to develop their Pedagogical Education Projects for Sexuality through four components in order to seek a transformation in Educational institutions based on a constant system of evaluation and monitoring: 1). Institutional Management, 2). Educational production, 3). Permanent formation and 4). Management for a sustainable. Taking into account the analysis of the behavior of these key factors in the selected Educational Institutions, there were established those institutional components that allow or hinder the implementation of PESCC in these educational communities. The results of this research show as positive factors for the implementation of the PESCC the structure of the team work table or institutional committee in each educational setting, which has allowed the design of the pedagogical model of the project, and therefore, some progress in the institutional management component, the first step for the effective implementation of the project. As a limitation it was 5 found a factor which had to do with the lack of participation by the educational community in the design and implementation of the contents and methodologies to be developed; as well as the weakness in the ongoing training of teachers and therefore in the management of information and knowledge, and in the development of institutional capacities, become the factors that make it difficult to implement the PESCC in these institutions. The findings add new contributions to an effective implementation on sex education projects for adolescents in order to work in a balanced conception about sexuality; encourage the participation of every related participant and consolidate a professional team with pertinent methodological and theoretical training; in order to be able of designing and implement new conceptual and methodological constructions and involvement instruments. The design of the logical framework of the project in each institution, as well as the application of the capacity development approach are an effective way to implement the PESCC, achieve desired results over time and thus create social value within educational settings.
This research study has identified the factors that benefit or obstruct the implementation of the Education for Sexuality and Construction of Citizenship Project (PESCC) in public schools in Guateque town (Boyacá, Colombia), based on the assumption that the institutionality of a policy or program is a cross-cutting component whose study contributes to greater efficiency and effectiveness in the management of social policies. These policies go through a cycle and have a set of components. In the core of all of this, there is the institutionality that manages and implements itself, and at the same time it constitutes a key element for its operation, insofar as it is its support. This institutionality has its own logic and characteristics and also vulnerable of composing a field of analysis (Tovar, 2013). The aspects related to the institutional foundation of social policies have a strong influence on the performance (operationalization) and on the effectiveness of its results; therefore, the relevance of observing at the problems of institutional processing of policies, identifying the difficulties or “bottlenecks” in terms of the organization, as well as the successes and possibilities. For the effective and efficiency implementation of the PESCC, the Colombian Ministry of Education and UNFPA (in English ; United Nations Fund for Population Activities and in Spanish el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas ,) have designed a pedagogical and working path for educational communities to develop their Pedagogical Education Projects for Sexuality through four components in order to seek a transformation in Educational institutions based on a constant system of evaluation and monitoring: 1). Institutional Management, 2). Educational production, 3). Permanent formation and 4). Management for a sustainable. Taking into account the analysis of the behavior of these key factors in the selected Educational Institutions, there were established those institutional components that allow or hinder the implementation of PESCC in these educational communities. The results of this research show as positive factors for the implementation of the PESCC the structure of the team work table or institutional committee in each educational setting, which has allowed the design of the pedagogical model of the project, and therefore, some progress in the institutional management component, the first step for the effective implementation of the project. As a limitation it was 5 found a factor which had to do with the lack of participation by the educational community in the design and implementation of the contents and methodologies to be developed; as well as the weakness in the ongoing training of teachers and therefore in the management of information and knowledge, and in the development of institutional capacities, become the factors that make it difficult to implement the PESCC in these institutions. The findings add new contributions to an effective implementation on sex education projects for adolescents in order to work in a balanced conception about sexuality; encourage the participation of every related participant and consolidate a professional team with pertinent methodological and theoretical training; in order to be able of designing and implement new conceptual and methodological constructions and involvement instruments. The design of the logical framework of the project in each institution, as well as the application of the capacity development approach are an effective way to implement the PESCC, achieve desired results over time and thus create social value within educational settings.
Palabras clave
Educación sexual para adolescentes--Colombia, Ciudadanía--Colombia, Adolescentes--Conducta sexual, Educación sexual
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