Desafiando las expectativas: Factores del desempeño insatisfactorio de la estrategia COVAX contra el COVID-19 en su primera fase 2020-2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La iniciativa COVAX se desplegó con el fin de ofrecer un mecanismo efectivo para
realizar la compra de vacunas contra el Covid-19, así como de proveer de dosis a
aquellos países con menor capacidad económica. Sin embargo, en la práctica esto no
ha funcionado y COVAX no ha conseguido las dosis necesarias para lograr el
cumplimiento de sus metas en cuanto a distribución de dosis. En consecuencia,
resalta la importancia de analizar qué factores hubo de por medio en este fracaso de
la cooperación. En consecuencia, la presente investigación es un estudio de caso que
busca responder a la pregunta ¿Qué factores incidieron en el fracaso de COVAX
durante su primera fase en el periodo 2020-2021? Se propone usar la perspectiva
ofrecida por el Neorrealismo dado que se hace énfasis en Estados que invocan el
principio de soberanía y optan por el interés nacional sobre la cooperación como
medio para enfrentar las consecuencias de la pandemia. A través de una metodología
cualitativa de tipo estudio de caso, es posible proponer dos factores. En primer lugar,
la firma de acuerdos unilaterales por parte de países desarrollados. En segundo lugar,
el manejo político de las vacunas a través de la Diplomacia de vacunas por parte de
potencias emergentes. Entonces, a través de la compilación de fuentes primarias y
secundarias, será posible entender la incidencia de los factores mencionados en el
fracaso inicial de COVAX.
The COVAX initiative was deployed to offer an effective mechanism for purchasing Covid-19 vaccines and providing doses to countries with lower economic capacity. However, in practice, this has not worked, and COVAX has not obtained the necessary doses to achieve its goals in terms of dose distribution. Consequently, it highlights the importance of analyzing the factors involved in this cooperation failure. Therefore, this research is a case study that seeks to answer the question: What factors influenced the failure of COVAX during its first phase in the period 2020-2021? It proposes using the perspective offered by Neorealism, as it emphasizes states invoking the principle of sovereignty and opting for national interest over cooperation as a means to address the pandemic's consequences. Through a qualitative methodology of case study type, it is possible to propose two factors. First, the signing of unilateral agreements by developed countries. Second, the political management of vaccines through Vaccine Diplomacy by emerging powers. Thus, through the compilation of primary and secondary sources, it will be possible to understand the impact of the mentioned factors on the initial failure of COVAX.
The COVAX initiative was deployed to offer an effective mechanism for purchasing Covid-19 vaccines and providing doses to countries with lower economic capacity. However, in practice, this has not worked, and COVAX has not obtained the necessary doses to achieve its goals in terms of dose distribution. Consequently, it highlights the importance of analyzing the factors involved in this cooperation failure. Therefore, this research is a case study that seeks to answer the question: What factors influenced the failure of COVAX during its first phase in the period 2020-2021? It proposes using the perspective offered by Neorealism, as it emphasizes states invoking the principle of sovereignty and opting for national interest over cooperation as a means to address the pandemic's consequences. Through a qualitative methodology of case study type, it is possible to propose two factors. First, the signing of unilateral agreements by developed countries. Second, the political management of vaccines through Vaccine Diplomacy by emerging powers. Thus, through the compilation of primary and secondary sources, it will be possible to understand the impact of the mentioned factors on the initial failure of COVAX.
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