Planeamiento estratégico del sector público de educación superior pregrado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación universitaria de pregrado pública del Perú, cuyo planeamiento
estratégico se propone en este trabajo, es una de las bases fundamentales sobre las que
sustenta, o debería sustentarse, el crecimiento evidente, sostenido y sistemático del país.
El Estado ha avanzado en el propósito de establecer una correspondencia entre lo que
el país evidencia en desarrollo económico con la situación de la educación. Una nueva Ley
Universitaria que se orienta a una exigencia de calidad con estándares básicos y un aumento
progresivo del presupuesto asignado al sector, dan cuenta de este propósito; sin embargo, hay
mucho por hacer y el prestigio internacional que el sector tiene, donde solo una universidad
pública aparece entre las 100 primeras en Latinoamérica, no es alentador.
Este planeamiento estratégico, plantea la visión de que el sector universitario pregrado
público, en un plazo de diez años, sea reconocido como uno de los tres primeros de
Latinoamérica, por el alto nivel de calidad de su educación.
Se identificaron los factores externos e internos que influyen en el sector, que dieron
pie a 12 estrategias que apuntan a mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza, la infraestructura de las
universidades, y el prestigio de estas tanto nacional como internacionalmente. Estas
estrategias guiarán al sector a cumplir con los objetivos de corto y de largo plazo establecidos
y mediante estos, alcanzar la visón planteada.
Luego de las etapas de formulación y implementación, se concluye que es posible
alcanzar la visión en el plazo establecido; sin embargo, esto requerirá del esfuerzo conjunto
de las entidades relacionadas al sector, impulsados por la Dirección General de Educación
Superior Universitaria
Peru’s undergraduate education in public universities, whose strategic planning is proposed in this paper, is one of the fundamental bases on which the country’s evident, sustained and systematic growth is or should be sustained. The government has advanced in the purpose of establishing a correspondence between what the country shows in economic development and the situation of education. A new University Law oriented to demand basic quality standards and a progressive increase of the education budget, account for this purpose; however, there is still a lot of work to be done and the international prestige the sector has, where only one public university appears among the top 100 in Latin America, is not encouraging. This Strategic Planning proposes the vision that the undergraduate education in public universities, within a period of ten years, will be recognized as one of the top three in Latin America, due to the high level of quality it has. The external and internal factors influencing the sector were identified, and from there 12 strategies aimed to improve the quality of education, the infrastructure of universities, and national and international prestige, were established. These strategies will guide the sector to meet the short and long term goals established and through these, achieve the proposed vision
Peru’s undergraduate education in public universities, whose strategic planning is proposed in this paper, is one of the fundamental bases on which the country’s evident, sustained and systematic growth is or should be sustained. The government has advanced in the purpose of establishing a correspondence between what the country shows in economic development and the situation of education. A new University Law oriented to demand basic quality standards and a progressive increase of the education budget, account for this purpose; however, there is still a lot of work to be done and the international prestige the sector has, where only one public university appears among the top 100 in Latin America, is not encouraging. This Strategic Planning proposes the vision that the undergraduate education in public universities, within a period of ten years, will be recognized as one of the top three in Latin America, due to the high level of quality it has. The external and internal factors influencing the sector were identified, and from there 12 strategies aimed to improve the quality of education, the infrastructure of universities, and national and international prestige, were established. These strategies will guide the sector to meet the short and long term goals established and through these, achieve the proposed vision
Palabras clave
Educación pública--Perú, Educación superior--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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