Planeamiento estratégico del distrito de Carabayllo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El distrito de Carabayllo, es uno de los distritos más antiguos de Lima Norte. Fundado
históricamente en 1571, es considerado como la génesis de Lima Norte, pues a partir del
mismo se fueron creando los demás distritos del norte de Lima.
Con una población de más de 300 mil habitantes, es uno de los distritos con menor
densidad poblacional de la provincia. Esta situación, así como el desarrollo de la industria
minera no metálica, constituye un gran atractivo para el desarrollo inmobiliario. Asimismo,
su riqueza histórica y arqueológica constituye una gran oportunidad para el desarrollo del
turismo y de negocios conexos.
Sin embargo, el distrito tiene también grandes debilidades. La inseguridad ciudadana,
la falta de mantenimiento de pistas y veredas, y la existencia de servicios públicos
deficientes, ha ocasionado que hoy en día haya población que no cuenta con los servicios
básicos como agua potable y limpieza pública.
La presente investigación ha determinado el Plan Estratégico Integral (PEI) para el
distrito de Carabayllo, con una visión al año 2030, en una coyuntura de estabilidad política,
fiscal y monetaria. La metodología utilizada para la elaboración del PEI, ha tenido como
fundamento lo recomendado por D’Alessio (2013), de acuerdo al modelo secuencial del
proceso estratégico, desarrollando a partir de la visión deseada, el futuro esperado para el
distrito de Carabayllo.
De esta manera, se realizaron los distintos análisis para determinar, la posición externa
e interna del distrito, la determinación de sus intereses, el planteamiento de objetivos de largo
plazo, la formulación de las estrategias para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos, las políticas
que acompañarán las estrategias, la definición de indicadores para evaluar y controlar el
cumplimiento de hitos y la determinación de ventajas competitivas para el desarrollo futuro
del distrito.
La visión propuesta para Carabayllo es que para el año 2030, el distrito se convertirá
en el mejor lugar para vivir de Lima Norte, siendo un distrito ecológico, seguro, con gran
desarrollo comercial y empresarial, con una gestión municipal eficiente y participativa, en
donde lo urbano se fusiona con lo rural y lo histórico.
En el proceso estratégico, se determinó que Carabayllo, adolece de diversos
problemas que requieren atención. Asimismo, se plantearon objetivos de corto y largo plazo,
estrategias y políticas relacionadas para alcanzar la visión deseada.
El resultado del proceso estratégico determinó el Plan Estratégico Integral (PEI), que
luego de los diversos análisis internos y externos de la metodología sugerida por D’Alessio
(2013) plantea las estrategias y políticas para contrarrestar esta situación. Además, se
identificaron oportunidades de desarrollo de clústeres de turismo e inmobiliarios, que
aprovecharán las ventajas competitivas del distrito.
Finalmente, es necesaria la implementación del Plan Estratégico Integral que esta
investigación ha propuesto, para lograr alcanzar la visión deseada del distrito de Carabayllo y
asegurar su desarrollo futuro
The district of Carabayllo, is one of the oldest districts of Lima Norte. Founded in 1571, it is considered to be the genesis of Lima Norte, since from it, the other districts of Lima Norte were created. With a population of more than 300 thousand inhabitants, it is one of the districts with the lowest population density in the province. This situation, as well as the development of the non-metallic mining industry, constitutes a great attraction for real estate development. Also, its historical and archaeological wealth is a great opportunity for the development of tourism and related businesses. However, the district also has great weaknesses. Insecurity, the lack of maintenance of roads and trails, and the existence of deficient public services, has caused that today there are people who do not have basic services such as drinking water and public cleaning. This investigation has determined the Strategic Integral Plan (PEI) for the district of Carabayllo, with a vision to the year 2030, in a conjuncture of political, fiscal and monetary stability. The methodology used for the development of the PEI, has been based on D'Alessio (2013), according to the sequential model of the strategic process, developing from the desired vision, the expected future for the district of Carabayllo. The process was followed in order to determine the external and internal position of the district, the determination of its interests, the setting of long-term objectives, the formulation of strategies for the fulfillment of these objectives, the policies that will match the strategies, the definition of evaluation and control indicators and the determination of competitive advantages for the future development of the district. The proposed vision for Carabayllo is that, by 2030, the district will become the best place to live in Lima Norte, being an ecological district, safe, with great commercial and business development, with an efficient and participative district management, where the urban merges with the rural and the historical. In the strategic process, it was determined that Carabayllo suffers from various problems that require attention. Likewise, short and long-term objectives, strategies and related policies were proposed to achieve the desired vision. The PEI has proposed strategies and policies to counteract this situation. In addition, opportunities for the development of tourism and real estate clusters were identified, which will draw on of the competitive advantages of the district. Finally, it is necessary to implement the PEI that this research has proposed, in order to achieve the desired vision of Carabayllo district and ensure its future development
The district of Carabayllo, is one of the oldest districts of Lima Norte. Founded in 1571, it is considered to be the genesis of Lima Norte, since from it, the other districts of Lima Norte were created. With a population of more than 300 thousand inhabitants, it is one of the districts with the lowest population density in the province. This situation, as well as the development of the non-metallic mining industry, constitutes a great attraction for real estate development. Also, its historical and archaeological wealth is a great opportunity for the development of tourism and related businesses. However, the district also has great weaknesses. Insecurity, the lack of maintenance of roads and trails, and the existence of deficient public services, has caused that today there are people who do not have basic services such as drinking water and public cleaning. This investigation has determined the Strategic Integral Plan (PEI) for the district of Carabayllo, with a vision to the year 2030, in a conjuncture of political, fiscal and monetary stability. The methodology used for the development of the PEI, has been based on D'Alessio (2013), according to the sequential model of the strategic process, developing from the desired vision, the expected future for the district of Carabayllo. The process was followed in order to determine the external and internal position of the district, the determination of its interests, the setting of long-term objectives, the formulation of strategies for the fulfillment of these objectives, the policies that will match the strategies, the definition of evaluation and control indicators and the determination of competitive advantages for the future development of the district. The proposed vision for Carabayllo is that, by 2030, the district will become the best place to live in Lima Norte, being an ecological district, safe, with great commercial and business development, with an efficient and participative district management, where the urban merges with the rural and the historical. In the strategic process, it was determined that Carabayllo suffers from various problems that require attention. Likewise, short and long-term objectives, strategies and related policies were proposed to achieve the desired vision. The PEI has proposed strategies and policies to counteract this situation. In addition, opportunities for the development of tourism and real estate clusters were identified, which will draw on of the competitive advantages of the district. Finally, it is necessary to implement the PEI that this research has proposed, in order to achieve the desired vision of Carabayllo district and ensure its future development
Palabras clave
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Lima, Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Lima, Planificación estratégica
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