Aplicativo ‘Seguridad 365’ para la prevención e investigación del delito contra el patrimonio en el distrito de Santiago de Surco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La delincuencia común en Lima, viene afectando a la población de manera preocupante,
apreciándose un incremento considerable de la incidencia delictiva según las estadísticas
registradas en el INEI y en la Policía Nacional. El delito contra el patrimonio como el robo de
dinero y teléfonos móviles a transeúntes y asistentes en locales comerciales, con armas de fuego
y excesivo uso de la violencia, configura una problemática de inseguridad que demanda mayor
atención del Estado.
Estudiar el problema en su real dimensión resulta complejo, por ello y factores
presupuestales y de recursos limitados, la presente investigación se ha enfocado en el análisis
de una localidad, tomando como referente al distrito de Santiago de Surco, por estar entre los de
mayor dimensión territorial e incluir zonas de diferente nivel socio económico y lugar de tránsito
para las personas que cruzan la ciudad la ciudad de Lima y por estar siendo objeto de las
modalidades delictivas antes enunciadas, que afectan la vida y tranquilidad de los ciudadanos.
El objetivo del presente estudio se concentra en el problema público que enfrenta el
presente trabajo de investigación es: la deficiente implementación y uso de la tecnología
disponible, en las comunicaciones entre el ciudadano y las fuerzas del orden como las comisarías
y la capacidad de respuesta que se brinda ante los requerimientos de la ciudadanía, la necesidad
de sistematización de la información compartida entre tales actores, su posterior accesibilidad y
usabilidad en el planeamiento de las operaciones policiales de prevención e investigación del
Es ese sentido se propone como proyecto de innovación brindar una herramienta
informática, que brinde un espacio seguro y fluido para las comunicaciones e información compartida en las comisarías, que difunda entre el personal de patrullaje en forma instantánea
el requerimiento del ciudadano que se encuentra en peligro o atestigua algún hecho delictivo,
procurando una respuesta policial inmediata y efectiva.
El presente proyecto de innovación consiste en un aplicativo móvil denominado Seguridad
365, para interacción de la comunidad organizada y la Policía Nacional del Perú, y permitirá a los
ciudadanos, conformados por juntas vecinales y red de cooperantes, alertar a la policía sobre la
comisión hechos delictivos, antes, durante y después de ocurrido, transmitiendo texto, voz,
imagen y video. La alerta sería enviada de forma simultánea a la comisaría y a los policías que
se encuentran patrullando en las proximidades, procurando la atención inmediata y contribuir a
la prevención e investigación del delito en el distrito, especialmente contra el patrimonio, en
principio en la localidad del distrito de Santiago de Surco.
Common crime in Lima has been affecting the population in a worrying way, with a considerable increase in the incidence of crime according to statistics recorded by INEI and the National Police. The crime against property, such as the theft of money and cell phones from passers-by and shop assistants, with firearms and excessive use of violence, is a problem of insecurity that demands greater attention from the State. For this reason, and due to budgetary factors and limited resources, this research has focused on the analysis of one locality, taking as a reference the district of Santiago de Surco, because it is among the largest and includes areas of different economic level, central location of Lima and transit area between the four peripheral areas of the city of Lima, North cone, South cone, East cone and West cone, and also because it is being subject to the criminal modalities mentioned above, which affect the life and tranquility of the citizens. The objective of this study focuses on establishing the existence of deficiencies in the implementation and use of available technology, in the aspects of communications between citizens and law enforcement agencies such as police stations and the response capacity provided to the requirements of citizens, the need to systematize the information shared between such actors, its subsequent accessibility and usability in the planning of police operations for crime prevention and investigation. In this sense, it is proposed as an innovation project to provide a computer tool that provides a safe and fluid space for communications and information shared in police stations, which instantly disseminates among patrol personnel the request of the citizen who is in danger or witnesses a criminal act, ensuring an immediate and effective police response. This innovation project consists of a mobile application called Security 365, for interaction between the organized community and the National Police of Peru, and will allow citizens, formed by neighborhood councils and cooperating network, to alert the police about the commission of criminal acts, before, during and after they occur, transmitting text, voice, image and video. The alert would be sent simultaneously to the police station and to the police officers patrolling in the vicinity, seeking immediate attention and contributing to the prevention and investigation of crime in the district, especially against property, initially in the district of Santiago de Surco.
Common crime in Lima has been affecting the population in a worrying way, with a considerable increase in the incidence of crime according to statistics recorded by INEI and the National Police. The crime against property, such as the theft of money and cell phones from passers-by and shop assistants, with firearms and excessive use of violence, is a problem of insecurity that demands greater attention from the State. For this reason, and due to budgetary factors and limited resources, this research has focused on the analysis of one locality, taking as a reference the district of Santiago de Surco, because it is among the largest and includes areas of different economic level, central location of Lima and transit area between the four peripheral areas of the city of Lima, North cone, South cone, East cone and West cone, and also because it is being subject to the criminal modalities mentioned above, which affect the life and tranquility of the citizens. The objective of this study focuses on establishing the existence of deficiencies in the implementation and use of available technology, in the aspects of communications between citizens and law enforcement agencies such as police stations and the response capacity provided to the requirements of citizens, the need to systematize the information shared between such actors, its subsequent accessibility and usability in the planning of police operations for crime prevention and investigation. In this sense, it is proposed as an innovation project to provide a computer tool that provides a safe and fluid space for communications and information shared in police stations, which instantly disseminates among patrol personnel the request of the citizen who is in danger or witnesses a criminal act, ensuring an immediate and effective police response. This innovation project consists of a mobile application called Security 365, for interaction between the organized community and the National Police of Peru, and will allow citizens, formed by neighborhood councils and cooperating network, to alert the police about the commission of criminal acts, before, during and after they occur, transmitting text, voice, image and video. The alert would be sent simultaneously to the police station and to the police officers patrolling in the vicinity, seeking immediate attention and contributing to the prevention and investigation of crime in the district, especially against property, initially in the district of Santiago de Surco.
Palabras clave
Policía Nacional (Perú), Prevención del delito--Perú--Santiago de Surco (Lima : Distrito)--Participación ciudadana, Tecnología de la información--Perú--Santiago de Surco (Lima : Distrito)
Licencia Creative Commons
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