La felicidad de las mujeres en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar el nivel de felicidad de las
mujeres de Lima Metropolitana, para lo cual se realizó un estudio de carácter no experimental
transeccional, con propósito descriptivo y enfoque cuantitativo. El tamaño de la muestra fue
de 385 mujeres seleccionadas mediante un proceso no probabilístico por conveniencia en seis
centros comerciales de Lima. El instrumento utilizado fue La Escala de Felicidad de Lima
elaborado por Alarcón (2006) el cual permitió medir el nivel general de felicidad de la
muestra, consta de 27 items evaluados en cuatro dimensiones: (a) sentido positivo de la vida,
(b) satisfacción con la vida, (c) realización personal, y (d) la alegría de vivir.
Los resultados obtenidos en la presente investigación revelaron que el nivel de
Felicidad de las mujeres de Lima Metropolitana es de 99.08 puntos de un valor máximo de
135 puntos, lo cual es considerado como un nivel de felicidad media. Adicionalmente, se
obtuvieron los resultados de las diferentes características de la muestra, encontrando que no
existen diferencias significativas en el nivel de felicidad por rango de edad, tenencia y
cantidad de hijos; caso contrario, se evidenciaron diferencias significativas por zona
geográfica, estado civil, nivel educativo, situación laboral, nivel de ingresos, y exposición a
acoso, violencia y/o discriminación por su género.
Estos resultados permitieron identificar oportunidades para incrementar el nivel de
felicidad de las mujeres de Lima Metropolitana, estableciendo un plan de acción que será de
utilidad para el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, y otras entidades del
Estado interesadas en el desarrollo y bienestar de la mujer. La propuesta está basada en cuatro
factores: (a) equilibrio hogar y trabajo, (b) educación, (c) nivel de ingresos, y (d) exposición
al acoso y violencia por su género.
The objective of this study was to identify the happiness level of women in Metropolitan Lima. For that purpose, a non-experimental transectional study with a descriptive purpose and a quantitative approach, was carried out. The sample size was 385 women selected through a non-probabilistic convenience process in six shopping centers in Lima. The instrument used was the Scale of Happiness of Lima developed by Alarcón (2006), which seeks to measure the general happiness level of the sample. The Scale consists of 27 items evaluated on four dimensions: (a) positive sense of life, (b) life satisfaction, (c) personal fulfillment, and (d) joy of living. The results obtained in the present investigation revealed that the happiness level of women in Metropolitan Lima is 99.08 points of a maximum value of 135 points, which can be considered an average level of happiness. Additionally, the results of the different characteristics of the sample were obtained, finding that there are no significant differences in the happiness level by age, tenure or number of children. Nevertheless, there were significant differences by geographical area, marital status, educational level, employment situation, income level, and exposure to harassment, violence and / or gender discrimination. These results allowed us to identify opportunities to increase the happiness level of women in Metropolitan Lima, establishing an action plan that will be available for the use of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, and other goverment institutions interested in the development and welfare of women. The plan is based on four factors: (a) home and work balance, (b) education, (c) income level, and (d) exposure to harassment and gender violence.
The objective of this study was to identify the happiness level of women in Metropolitan Lima. For that purpose, a non-experimental transectional study with a descriptive purpose and a quantitative approach, was carried out. The sample size was 385 women selected through a non-probabilistic convenience process in six shopping centers in Lima. The instrument used was the Scale of Happiness of Lima developed by Alarcón (2006), which seeks to measure the general happiness level of the sample. The Scale consists of 27 items evaluated on four dimensions: (a) positive sense of life, (b) life satisfaction, (c) personal fulfillment, and (d) joy of living. The results obtained in the present investigation revealed that the happiness level of women in Metropolitan Lima is 99.08 points of a maximum value of 135 points, which can be considered an average level of happiness. Additionally, the results of the different characteristics of the sample were obtained, finding that there are no significant differences in the happiness level by age, tenure or number of children. Nevertheless, there were significant differences by geographical area, marital status, educational level, employment situation, income level, and exposure to harassment, violence and / or gender discrimination. These results allowed us to identify opportunities to increase the happiness level of women in Metropolitan Lima, establishing an action plan that will be available for the use of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, and other goverment institutions interested in the development and welfare of women. The plan is based on four factors: (a) home and work balance, (b) education, (c) income level, and (d) exposure to harassment and gender violence.
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